List of Negative words in Turkmen and English

To learn Turkmen language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Turkmen translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Turkmen, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Turkmen language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Turkmen.

List of Negative words in Turkmen and English

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Negative words in Turkmen

Here is the list of Negative words in Turkmen language and their pronunciation in English.

Adverse ýaramaz
Angry gaharly
Annoy bizar etmek
Anxious aladaly
Apathy biperwaýlyk
Appalling elhenç
Arrogant ulumsy
Atrocious wagşy
Awful aýylganç
Bad erbet
Banal banal
Barbed tikenli
Belligerent söweşiji
Bemoan aglaň
Beneath aşagynda
Boring içgysgynç
Broken döwüldi
Callous gülkünç
Careless biperwaý
Clumsy düşnüksiz
Coarse gödek
Collapse ýykylmagy
Confused bulaşdy
Contradictory gapma-garşy
Contrary tersine
Corrosive poslaýjy
Corrupt parahor
Crazy däli
Creepy gümürtik
Criminal jenaýatçy
Cruel rehimsiz
Cry agla
Cutting kesmek
Damage zyýan
Dead öldi
Decaying çüýremek
Deformed deformasiýa
Deny inkär et
Deplorable gynandyryjy
Depressed depressiýa
Deprived mahrum edildi
Despicable ýigrenji
Dirty hapa
Disease kesel
Disgusting ýigrenji
Dishonest binamys
Dishonorable biabraý
Distress kynçylyk
Dreadful gorkunç
Evil erbet
Fail şowsuz
Faulty nädogry
Fear gorky
Feeble ejiz
Fight söweş
Filthy hapa
Foul erbet
Ghastly aljyraňňy
Grave mazar
Greed açgözlik
Grimace elhençlik
Gross jemi
Gruesome elhenç
Guilty günäkär
Haggard aljyraňňy
Hard gaty
Harmful zyýanly
Hate ýigrenç
Hideous ýigrenji
Homely öýli

Top 1000 Turkmen words

Here you learn top 1000 Turkmen words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Turkmen meanings with transliteration.

Eat iýiň
All hemmesi
New täze
Snore horlamak
Fast çalt
Help Kömek ediň
Pain agyry
Rain ýagyş
Pride buýsanç
Sense manysy
Large uly
Skill ussatlygy
Panic howsala
Thank sag bol
Desire isleg
Woman aýal

Daily use Turkmen Sentences

Here you learn top Turkmen sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Turkmen meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Ertiriňiz haýyrly bolsun!
What is your name Adyň näme
What is your problem Meseläňiz näme?
I hate you men seni ýigrenýarin
I love you men seni söýýärin
Can I help you Size kömek edip bilerinmi?
I am sorry Bagyşlaň
I want to sleep Men ýatasym gelýär
This is very important Bu örän möhümdir
Are you hungry Açmy?
How is your life Durmuşyňyz nähili?
I am going to study Men okamakçy
Turkmen Vocabulary
Turkmen Dictionary

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