English to Portuguese A-Z Dictionary

English to Portuguese translation / English to Portuguese Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Portuguese language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Portuguese through English in an easy way. English to Portuguese translation helps you to learn any word in Portuguese using English in an interesting way.

English to Portuguese translation – Words start with G

Here is a collection of words starting with G and also you can learn Portuguese translation of a word start with G with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Portuguese translation – Words start with G

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Portuguese Dictionary – Words start with G

If you want to know the Portuguese translation of a word start with G, you can search that word and learn Portuguese translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with G

Gipsy cigano
Gird zombar
Girder viga
Girdle cinto
Girlish feminino
Girth circunferência
Gist essência
Gladden alegrar
Glade clareira
Gladiator gladiador
Gladness alegria
Glance olhar
Gland glândula
Glandular glandular
Glare brilho
Glaring gritante
Glassware artigos de vidro
Glassy vítreo
Glaucoma glaucoma
Glaze Esmalte
Gleam brilhar
Glean colher
Gleaning coletando
Glebe gleba
Glee alegria
Glen vale
Glib simplista
Glide deslizar
Glimpse vislumbre
Glisten brilhar
Glitter brilho
Gloat regozijar-se
Globular globular
Gloom melancolia
Glorification glorificação
Glorify glorificar
Gloss lustro
Glossary glossário
Glossy lustroso
Glottis glote
Glowworm pirilampo
Glucose glicose
Glut excesso
Glutton glutão
Gluttony gula
Glycaemia glicemia
Glycerine glicerina
Gnarl retorcer
Gnash ranger
Gnat mosquito

Top 1000 Portuguese words

Here you learn top 1000 Portuguese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Portuguese meanings with transliteration.

Eat comer
All todo
New novo
Snore ronco
Fast velozes
Help ajuda
Pain dor
Rain chuva
Pride orgulho
Sense senso
Large ampla
Skill habilidade
Panic pânico
Thank agradecer
Desire desejo
Woman mulher
Hungry com fome

Daily use Portuguese Sentences

Here you learn top Portuguese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Portuguese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bom Dia
What is your name Qual é o seu nome
What is your problem qual é o seu problema?
I hate you te odeio
I love you Eu amo Você
Can I help you posso ajudar?
I am sorry sinto muito
I want to sleep Quero dormir
This is very important Isto é muito importante
Are you hungry Está com fome?
How is your life como vai sua vida?
I am going to study eu vou estudar
Portuguese Vocabulary
Portuguese Dictionary

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