English to Bambara A-Z Dictionary

English to Bambara translation / English to Bambara Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Bambara language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Bambara through English in an easy way. English to Bambara translation helps you to learn any word in Bambara using English in an interesting way.

English to Bambara translation – Words start with G

Here is a collection of words starting with G and also you can learn Bambara translation of a word start with G with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Bambara translation – Words start with G

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Bambara Dictionary – Words start with G

If you want to know the Bambara translation of a word start with G, you can search that word and learn Bambara translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with G

Giraffe girafe (jirafe) ye
Goat ba
Gorilla gorila (gorila) ye
Grizzly grizzly (grizzly) ye
Gadwall gadwall (gadwall) ye
Goose kulokulodeni
Gallery galari (galeri) kɔnɔ
Granary sumanmarayɔrɔ
Gutter gutter (jidagayɔrɔ).
Gymnasium farikoloɲɛnajɛyɔrɔ
Grain kisɛ
Genre sifa
Garb fini doncogo
Gloves ganw
Gown gown (gown) ye
Green binkɛnɛ
Gray bugurinjɛ
Golden sanu ye
Graphics ja minnu bɛ kɛ
Geology dugukolo farikolo cogoya kalanni
Glacial glacial (jilama) ye
Grassland binkɛnɛyɔrɔ
Graveyard kaburudo la
Grove foro (foro) ye
Grandson denkɛ denkɛ
Grand daughter denmuso denmuso
Great Grandson denkɛ denkɛba
Great Granddaughter denmuso kɔrɔba
Grandfather bɛnbakɛ
Grandmother npogotiginin
Great Grandfather bɛnbakɛba
Great Grandmother npogotigininba
Guest dunan
Generation zenerasiyɔn
Garlic layi
Grate grate (sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ).
Grease girisi (gɛrɛsi) bɛ kɛ
Grill gril (grill) ye
Grapes rezɛn
Guava guava
Gooseberry wuluwulu
Garnet garnet (garnet) ye
Google Gugɔli
Good morning a' ni sɔgɔma
Good afternoon i ni wula
Good evening i ni su
Good night ka an bo su ra
Good idea hakilina ɲuman
Good luck kunnaja
Good to see you a ka di ka aw ye

Top 1000 Bambara words

Here you learn top 1000 Bambara words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Bambara meanings with transliteration.

Eat ka dun
All bɛɛ
New kura
Snore sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ
Fast teliman
Help dɛmɛ
Pain dimi
Rain sanji
Pride kuncɛbaya
Sense kɔrɔ
Large belebeleba
Skill dɔnko
Panic siraɲɛ
Thank i ni ce
Desire nege
Woman muso
Hungry kɔngɔ

Daily use Bambara Sentences

Here you learn top Bambara sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Bambara meanings with transliteration.

Good morning A' ni sɔgɔma
What is your name I tɔgɔ ye di
What is your problem I ka gɛlɛya ye mun ye?
I hate you Ne b aw koniya
I love you n b'i fɛ
Can I help you Yala ne bɛ se k’i dɛmɛ wa?
I am sorry N b'i deli
I want to sleep N b'a fɛ ka sunɔgɔ
This is very important O nafa ka bon kosɛbɛ
Are you hungry Yala kɔngɔ b’i la wa?
How is your life I ka ɲɛnamaya bɛ cogo di?
I am going to study N bɛ taa kalan kɛ
Bambara Vocabulary
Bambara Dictionary

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