List of Adjectives in Romanian and English

To learn Romanian language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Adjectives in English with Romanian translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Adjectives in Romanian, this place will help you to learn Adjectives in Romanian language with their pronunciation in English. Adjectives are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Romanian.

List of Adjectives in Romanian and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Adjectives in Romanian

Here is the list of Adjectives in Romanian language and their pronunciation in English.

Kind drăguț
Known cunoscut
Lazy leneş
Light ușoară
Lively plin de viață
Lonely singuratic
Long lung
Lovely minunat
Lucky norocos
Magnificent magnific
Misty ceţoasă
Modern modern
Motionless nemişcat
Muddy plin de noroi
Mushy moale
Mysterious misterios
Nasty neplăcut
Naughty obraznic
Neat îngrijit
Nervous agitat
New nou
Next Următorul
Nice Grozav
Normal normal
Nutty nucă
Obedient ascultător
Obnoxious dezastruoasă
Odd ciudat
Only numai
Open deschis
Open deschis
Opening deschidere
Opposite opus
Ordinary comun
Original original
Outgoing de ieșire
Outstanding remarcabil
Panicky de panică
Perfect perfect
Plain simplu
Pleasant placut
Poised gata
Poor sărac
Powerful puternic
Precious prețios
Prickly înţepător
Proud mândru
Putrid putred
Puzzled nedumerit
Quaint ciudat
Quick rapid
Quiet Liniște
Real real
Relieved uşurat
Repulsive respingător
Rich bogat
Scary infricosator
Selfish egoist
Shiny lucios
Shy timid
Silly prostesc
Sleepy somnoros
Smiling zâmbitor
Smoggy smoggy
Sore inflamat
Sparkling sclipitoare
Spotless imaculat
Stormy furtunos
Strange ciudat
Stupid prost

Top 1000 Romanian words

Here you learn top 1000 Romanian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Romanian meanings with transliteration.

Eat mânca
All toate
New nou
Snore sforăit
Fast rapid
Help Ajutor
Pain durere
Rain ploaie
Pride mândrie
Sense sens
Large mare
Skill pricepere
Panic panică
Thank multumesc
Desire dorință
Woman femeie
Hungry flămând

Daily use Romanian Sentences

Here you learn top Romanian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Romanian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Buna dimineata
What is your name Cum te numești
What is your problem care este problema ta?
I hate you Vă urăsc
I love you te iubesc
Can I help you Vă pot ajuta?
I am sorry imi pare rau
I want to sleep vreau sa dorm
This is very important Este foarte important
Are you hungry iti este foame?
How is your life cum este viața ta?
I am going to study mă duc să învăț
Romanian Vocabulary
Romanian Dictionary

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