List of Positive words in Oromo and English

To learn Oromo language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Positive words in English with Oromo translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Positive words in Oromo, this place will help you to learn Positive words in Oromo language with their pronunciation in English. Positive words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Oromo.

List of Positive words in Oromo and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Positive words in Oromo

Here is the list of Positive words in Oromo language and their pronunciation in English.

Unbelievable kan hin amanne
Unconditional haal-duree tokko malee
Understand hubachuu
Unique adda
Unity tokkummaa
Unreal dhugaa hin taane
Up ol
Upgrade sadarkaa isaa guddisuu
Useful kan nama fayyadu
Valiant goota
Valid fudhatama kan qabu
Valuable gati-qabeessa
Variety akaakuu
Veneration kabaja kennuu
Venturous kan of jajjabeessan
Verify dhugoomsuu
Versatile faayidaalee hedduutti kan madaqu
Very baay'ee
Viable jiraachuu danda’a
Vibrant socho’aa ta’e
Victory injifannoo
Vigorous cimaa
Virtue gaarummaa
Virtuous safuu kan qabu
Vitality humna jireenyaa (vitality).
Vocabulary hiika jechootaa
Vulnerable saaxilamaa
Warm ho'aa
Water bishaan
Wealth qabeenya
Welcome baga nagaan dhufte
Welfare fayyummaa
Well gaarii
Wellness fayyaa gaarii
Whole guutummaa
Willing hayyamamaa ta'uu
Win mo'uu
Winning injifachuudha
Wisdom ogummaa
Wise ogeessa
Won mo'e
Wonderful ajaa'iba
Worth gatii
Xenial xenial jedhamuun beekama
Yes Eeyyee
Young dargaggeessa
Youth dargaggoo
Yummy mi'aawaa
Zany zany
Zeal hinaaffaa

Top 1000 Oromo words

Here you learn top 1000 Oromo words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Eat Nyaachuu
All Hunda
New Haaraa
Snore Qufa'uu
Fast Ariifataa
Help Gargaaruu
Pain Dhukkubbii
Rain Rooba
Pride Boonuu
Sense Miira
Large Bal'aa
Skill Dandeettii
Panic Nahuu
Thank Galateeffachuu
Desire Hawwii
Woman Dubartii
Hungry Beela'aa

Daily use Oromo Sentences

Here you learn top Oromo sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Akkam bulte
What is your name Maqaan kee eenyu
What is your problem Rakkoon keessan maali?
I hate you Si jibba
I love you sin jaalladha
Can I help you Si gargaaruu danda'aa?
I am sorry Dhiifama
I want to sleep Rafuun barbaada
This is very important Kun baay’ee barbaachisaa dha
Are you hungry Beeloftee jirtaa?
How is your life Jireenyi kee akkam?
I am going to study Barachuuf deema
Oromo Vocabulary
Oromo Dictionary

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