English to Oromo A-Z Dictionary

English to Oromo translation / English to Oromo Dictionary gives the meaning of words in Oromo language starting from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn Oromo through English in an easy way. English to Oromo translation helps you to learn any word in Oromo using English in an interesting way.

English to Oromo translation – Words start with D

Here is a collection of words starting with D and also you can learn Oromo translation of a word start with D with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to Oromo translation – Words start with D

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Oromo Dictionary – Words start with D

If you want to know the Oromo translation of a word start with D, you can search that word and learn Oromo translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words start with D

Deer bosonuu
Dog saree
Donkey harree
Dove gugee
Drake drake jedhamuun beekama
Duck daakiyyee
Duckling hantuuta
Dais dais jechuun ni danda’ama
Dome dome
Drain yaasuu
Drawing Room kutaa saalqunnamtii
Director qindeessaa
Disaster balaa
Documentary dokumeentii ta’e
Drama do'ii
Drizzle rooba cimaa (drizzle).
Drought oongee
Damask damaasqoo
Darning darning jedhamuun beekama
Dress uffachuu
Data odeeffannoo funaaname
Design tolfama
Digital dijiitaalaa
Download buusuu
Drive oofuu
Drawing qo’annoo fakkii kaasuu
Dealer daldalaa
Demand barbaaduu
Desert gammoojjii
Destroy balleessuu
Document sanada
Drugs qoricha sammuu hadoochu
Day guyyaa
Date guyyaa
Dawn barii
Daybreak guyyaa barii
Daylight ifa guyyaa
Daytime guyyaa
Duration turtii murtaa'e
Diagonal daayaagoonaalii dha
Disease dhukkuba
Dumb didaa
Dwarf dwarf jedhamuun beekama
Dejection gadda dhabuu
Deluge lolaa bishaanii
Drench drench gochuu
Daughter intala
Daughter-in-law intala abbaa warraa
Dahlia dahlia jedhamuun beekama
Daisy daisy jedhamuun beekama

Top 1000 Oromo words

Here you learn top 1000 Oromo words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Eat Nyaachuu
All Hunda
New Haaraa
Snore Qufa'uu
Fast Ariifataa
Help Gargaaruu
Pain Dhukkubbii
Rain Rooba
Pride Boonuu
Sense Miira
Large Bal'aa
Skill Dandeettii
Panic Nahuu
Thank Galateeffachuu
Desire Hawwii
Woman Dubartii
Hungry Beela'aa

Daily use Oromo Sentences

Here you learn top Oromo sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Oromo meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Akkam bulte
What is your name Maqaan kee eenyu
What is your problem Rakkoon keessan maali?
I hate you Si jibba
I love you sin jaalladha
Can I help you Si gargaaruu danda'aa?
I am sorry Dhiifama
I want to sleep Rafuun barbaada
This is very important Kun baay’ee barbaachisaa dha
Are you hungry Beeloftee jirtaa?
How is your life Jireenyi kee akkam?
I am going to study Barachuuf deema
Oromo Vocabulary
Oromo Dictionary

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