Animals names in Nepali and English

To learn Nepali language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Nepali words that we can used in daily life. Animals are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Animals names in Nepali, this place will help you to learn all Animals names in English to Nepali language. Animals vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Animals names in English to Nepali and play Nepali quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Nepali language, then 1000 most common Nepali words will helps to learn Nepali language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Animals vocabulary words in Nepali.

Animals names in Nepali and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Animals names in Nepali

Here is the list of Animals in Nepali language and their pronunciation in English.

Animals names - Nepali

Ape लंगुर Langura
Ass गधा gadha
Baboon बाबुन babuna
Bear भालु bhalu
Boar बनेल banela
Buffalo भैँसी bhaimsi
Bull साँढे samdhe
Calf बाछा bacha
Camel ऊट uta
Cat बिरालो biralo
Chimpanzee बनमानुष banamanusa
Cow गाई gai
Crocodile गोही gohi
Deer मृग mrga
Dog कुकुर kukura
Donkey गधा gadha
Elephant हात्ती hatti
Ewe भेडी bhedi
Fawn मृगको बच्चा mrgako bacca
Fox स्याल syala
Frog भ्यागुतो bhyaguto
Giraffe जिराफ jirapha
Goat बाख्रा bakhra
Gorilla गोरिल्ला Gorilla
Grizzly ग्रिज्ली Grijli
Hare खरायो kharayo
Hamster हम्सटर Hamsatara
Hind बाह्रसिंगी bahrasingi
Hippopotamus हिप्पोपोटामस Hippopotamasa
Horn सिंग singa
Horse घोडा ghoda
Hound शिकारी कुकुर sikari kukura
Hyena ब्वाँसो bvamso
Iguana इगुआना Igu'ana
Jackal स्याल syala
Jaguar जगुआर Jagu'ara
Kangaroo कंगारु kangaru
Kitten बिरालोको छाउरो biraloko chauro
Lamb भेडाको पाठो bhedako patho
Langur लंगुर Langura
Leopard चितुवा cituva
Lion सिंह sinha
Lizard छेपारो cheparo
Mare घोडी ghodi
Mongoose न्याउरी मुसो nyauri muso
Monkey बाँदर bamdara
Mosquito लामखुट्टे lamakhutte
Mouse मुसा musa
Mule खच्चर khaccara
Otter ओट्टर ottara
Ox गोरु goru
Panther चितुवा cituva
Pig सुँगुर sumgura
Pony टट्टु tattu
Porcupine दुम्सी dumsi
Puppy कुकुर Kukura
Rabbit खरायो kharayo
Rat मुसा चुहा musa cuha
Rhinoceros गैंडा gainda
Sheep भेडा bheda
Snake साँप sampa
Snail घोंघा ghongha
Squirrel लोखर्के lokharke
Stag बाह्र सिगा bahra siga
Tail पुच्छर pucchara
Tiger बाघ bagha
Tortoise कछुवा kachuva
Turtle कछुवा kachuva
Weasel घाँस ghamsa
Wolf ब्वाँसो bvamso
Zebra पाटे घोडा pate ghoda
Zorilla जोरिल्ला Jorilla

Top 1000 Nepali words

Here you learn top 1000 Nepali words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Nepali meanings with transliteration.

Eat खानु khanu
All सबै sabai
New नयाँ nayam
Snore घुर्ने ghurne
Fast छिटो chito
Help मद्दत maddata
Pain दुखाइ dukha'i
Rain वर्षा varsa
Pride गर्व garva
Sense भावना bhavana
Large ठूलो thulo
Skill कौशल kausala
Panic डराउने dara'une
Thank धन्यवाद dhan'yavada
Desire इच्छा iccha
Woman महिला mahila
Hungry भोको bhoko

Daily use Nepali Sentences

Here you learn top Nepali sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Nepali meanings with transliteration.

Good morning शुभ प्रभात subha prabhata
What is your name तिम्रो नाम के हो Timro nama ke ho
What is your problem तिम्रो समस्या के हो? timro samasya ke ho?
I hate you म तपाईँलाई घृणा गर्छु Ma tapaimlai ghrna garchu
I love you म तिमीलाई माया गर्छु Ma timilai maya garchu
Can I help you के म तपाईँलाई मद्दत गर्न सक्छु? ke ma tapa'imla'i maddata garna sakchu?
I am sorry म दु: खी छु ma du: khi chu
I want to sleep म सुत्न चाहन्छु ma sutna cahanchu
This is very important यो धेरै महत्त्वपूर्ण छ Yo dherai mahattvapurna cha
Are you hungry के तिमीलाई भोक लगेको छ? ke timila'i bhoka lageko cha?
How is your life तिम्रो जिन्दगी कस्तो चलिराछ? timro jindagi kasto caliracha?
I am going to study म अध्ययन गर्न जाँदैछु ma adhyayana garna jamdaichu
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