List of Prefix in Malay and English

To learn Malay language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Malay translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Malay Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Malay language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Malay.

List of Prefix in Malay and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Malay

Here is the list of prefixes in Malay language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate nyahaktifkan
Debate perbahasan
Decade dekad
Decent lumayan
Decision keputusan
Declare mengisytiharkan
Decode nyahkod
Decomposition penguraian
Decrease berkurangan
Deduction potongan
Default lalai
Defeat kekalahan
Defend mempertahankan
Deforest penebangan hutan
Deformation ubah bentuk
Degeneration degenerasi
Demand permintaan


Disaccord perselisihan faham
Disaffection rasa tidak puas hati
Disagree tidak bersetuju
Disappear hilang
Disapprove tidak bersetuju
Discharge pelepasan
Discipline disiplin
Discompose meleraikan
Discount diskaun
Discover menemui
Displeasure rasa tidak puas hati
Disqualify hilang kelayakan


Exceed melebihi
Exchange pertukaran
Exhale Hembus nafas
Explain terangkan
Explosion letupan
Export eksport


Impair merosakkan
Impassion keghairahan
Implant implan
Import import
Impossible mustahil
Impress menarik perhatian
Improper tidak betul
Improve bertambah baik


Inaction tidak bertindak
Inactive tidak aktif
Inadequate tidak mencukupi
Income pendapatan
Incorrect tak betul
Indirect tidak langsung
Insecure tidak selamat
Inside dalam
Invisible tidak kelihatan


Interaction interaksi
Interchange pertukaran
Intermission rehat
International antarabangsa
Internet internet
Interview temuduga


Irradiation penyinaran
Irrational tidak rasional
Irregular tidak teratur
Irrelevant tidak relevan
Irreplaceable tiada gantinya
Irreversible tidak dapat dipulihkan


Midday tengah hari
Midland tanah tengah
Midnight tengah malam
Midway tengah jalan
Midwife bidan


Misaligned tidak sejajar
Misguide sesat
Misinform maklumat yang salah
Mislead menyesatkan
Misplace silap tempat
Misrule salah peraturan
Misspelt salah eja
Mistake kesilapan
Misunderstand salah faham
Misuse salah guna


Non existent tidak wujud
Non pareil bukan pareil
Nonchalant acuh tak acuh
Nonfiction bukan fiksyen
Nonsense mengarut
Nonstop tanpa henti


Overcharge caj berlebihan
Overcome diatasi
Overflow melimpah
Overlap bertindih
Overload terlebih beban
Overlook terlepas pandang
Overpower kuasai
Overrate overrate
Overrule tolak


Predefine pratakrif
Prefix awalan
Prehistory prasejarah
Prepay prabayar
Prepossess mendahului
Prevail menang
Preview pratonton


Proactive proaktif
Proceed teruskan
Proclaim mengisytiharkan
Profess mengaku
Profit keuntungan
Profound mendalam
Program program
Progress kemajuan
Prolong memanjangkan


React bertindak
Reappear muncul semula
Reclaim menuntut semula
Recollect ingat balik
Recommendation cadangan
Reconsider pertimbangkan semula
Recover pulih
Redo buat semula
Rewrite menulis semula


Telecommunication telekomunikasi
Telegram telegram
Telepathic telepati
Telephone telefon
Telescope teleskop
Television televisyen


Transfer pemindahan
Transform mengubah
Transgender transgender
Translation terjemahan
Transparent telus
Transport pengangkutan


Undo buat asal
Unequal tidak sama rata
Unhappy tidak berpuas hati
Unpack membongkar
Unseen ghaib
Unstable tidak stabil
Unusual luar biasa


Update kemas kini
Upgrade naik taraf
Uphill menanjak
Uphold menegakkan
Upset kecewa
Upstairs tingkat atas
Upward ke atas

Top 1000 Malay words

Here you learn top 1000 Malay words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Malay meanings with transliteration.

Eat makan
All semua
New baru
Snore berdengkur
Fast cepat
Help membantu
Pain sakit
Rain hujan
Pride kebanggaan
Sense rasa
Large besar
Skill kemahiran
Panic panik
Thank terima kasih
Desire keinginan
Woman perempuan
Hungry lapar

Daily use Malay Sentences

Here you learn top Malay sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Malay meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Selamat Pagi
What is your name Siapa nama awak
What is your problem Apakah masalah kamu?
I hate you saya benci awak
I love you Saya sayang awak
Can I help you boleh saya tolong awak?
I am sorry saya minta maaf
I want to sleep saya mahu tidur
This is very important Ini sangat penting
Are you hungry Adakah awak lapar?
How is your life Bagaimanakah kehidupan anda?
I am going to study saya akan belajar
Malay Vocabulary
Malay Dictionary

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