Birds names in Kazakh and English

To learn Kazakh language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Kazakh words that we can used in daily life. Birds are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Birds names in Kazakh, this place will help you to learn all Birds names in English to Kazakh language. Birds vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Birds names in English to Kazakh and play Kazakh quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Kazakh language, then 1000 most common Kazakh words will helps to learn Kazakh language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Birds vocabulary words in Kazakh.

Birds names in Kazakh and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Birds names in Kazakh

Here is the list of Birds in Kazakh language and their pronunciation in English.

Birds names - Kazakh

Bat жарғанат jarğanat
Baya Weaver бая тоқымашы baya toqımaşı
Bittern ащы aşçı
Chicken тауық tawıq
Cockatoo какаду kakadw
Crane кран kran
Crow қарға qarğa
Cuckoo көкек kökek
Cygnet cygnet cygnet
Dove көгершін kögerşin
Drake дрейк dreyk
Duck үйрек üyrek
Duckling үйрек üyrek
Eagle қыран qıran
Feather қауырсын qawırsın
Gadwall Гадволл Gadvoll
Goose қаз qaz
Hawk сұңқар suñqar
Hen тауық tawıq
Heron құтан qutan
Kingfisher король korol
Kite батпырауық batpırawıq
Lark қарақұйрық qaraquyrıq
Macaw макау makaw
Magpie шаян şayan
Mynah минах mïnax
Nightingale бұлбұл bulbul
Ostrich түйеқұс tüyequs
Owl жапалақ japalaq
Parrot попугая popwgaya
Partridge кекілік kekilik
Peacock тауыс tawıs
Peahen бұршақ burşaq
Pigeon кептер kepter
Quail бөдене bödene
Raven қарға qarğa
Rook тірек tirek
Skylark аспан aspan
Sparrow торғай torğay
Swan аққу aqqw
Vulture лашын laşın
Weaver Bird тоқыма құс toqıma qus
Woodpecker тоқылдақ toqıldaq

Top 1000 Kazakh words

Here you learn top 1000 Kazakh words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Kazakh meanings with transliteration.

Eat жеу
All барлық
New жаңа
Snore қорылдау
Fast жылдам
Help Көмектесіңдер
Pain ауырсыну
Rain жаңбыр
Pride мақтаныш
Sense сезім
Large үлкен
Skill шеберлік
Panic дүрбелең
Thank рахмет
Desire тілек
Woman әйел
Hungry аш

Daily use Kazakh Sentences

Here you learn top Kazakh sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Kazakh meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Қайырлы таң
What is your name Сенің атың кім
What is your problem Сенің мәселең қандай?
I hate you Мен сені жек көремін
I love you Мен сені жақсы көремін
Can I help you Мен саған көмектесе аламын ба?
I am sorry Кешіріңіз
I want to sleep Менің ұйқым келеді
This is very important Бұл өте маңызды
Are you hungry Сен ашсың ба?
How is your life Сіздің өміріңіз қалай?
I am going to study Мен оқуға бара жатырмын
Kazakh Vocabulary
Kazakh Dictionary

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