Ecology vocabulary words in Hindi and English

To learn Hindi language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common Hindi words that we can used in daily life. Ecology are one part of common words used in day-to-day life conversations. If you are interested to learn Ecology vocabulary words in Hindi, this place will help you to learn all Ecology vocabulary words in English to Hindi language. Ecology vocabulary words are used in daily life, so it is important to learn all Ecology vocabulary words in English to Hindi and play Hindi quiz and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn Hindi language, then 1000 most common Hindi words will helps to learn Hindi language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Ecology vocabulary words in Hindi.

Ecology vocabulary words in Hindi and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Ecology vocabulary words in Hindi

Here is the list of Ecology in Hindi language and their pronunciation in English.

Ecology vocabulary words - Hindi

Air वायु vaayu
Ambiance माहौल maahaul
Aquatic जलीय jaleey
Arid शुष्क shushk
Atmospheric वायुमंडलीय vaayumandaleey
Beach सागरतट saagaratat
Blustery धमकी से dhamakee se
Brook बर्दाश्त करना bardaasht karana
Cavern गुफा gupha
Cliff टीला teela
Climate जलवायु jalavaayu
Cloud बादल baadal
Coast तट tat
Contamination दूषण dooshan
Cove कोव kov
Crag ग्रीवा greeva
Craggy चट्टान chattaan
Creek क्रीक kreek
Dejection उदासी udaasee
Deluge बाढ़ baadh
Drench मूसलधार बारिश moosaladhaar baarish
Drought सूखा sookha
Ecology परिस्थितिकी paristhitikee
Effluent प्रवाह pravaah
Energy ऊर्जा oorja
Evaporation वाष्पीकरण vaashpeekaran
Fertilize खाद khaad
Fossil जीवाश्म jeevaashm
Glacial बहुत ठंडा bahut thanda
Grassland घास स्थल ghaas sthal
Graveyard श्मशान घाट shmashaan ghaat
Grove कुंज kunj
Habitat प्राकृतिक आवास praakrtik aavaas
Landscape परिदृश्य paridrshy
Ledge हद had
Meadow घास का मैदान ghaas ka maidaan
Meander भूल भुलैया bhool bhulaiya
Misty धुंधला dhundhala
Monsoon मानसून maanasoon
Mossy दलदल का daladal ka
Mound टीला teela
Mountain पहाड़ pahaad
Mud कीचड़ keechad
Mulch गीली घास geelee ghaas
Nimbus चमक chamak
Ozone ओजोन ojon
Parch सूखना sookhana
Pollution प्रदूषण pradooshan
Pond तालाब taalaab
Promontory रास raas
Prospector सोना निकालनेवाला sona nikaalanevaala
Protection सुरक्षा suraksha
Quake भूकंप bhookamp
Rainbow इंद्रधनुष indradhanush
Rainfall वर्षा varsha
River नदी nadee
Road सड़क sadak
Rock चट्टान chattaan
Sea समुद्र samudr
Slum गंदी बस्ती gandee bastee
Smog धुंध dhundh
Soil मिट्टी mittee
Stormy तूफ़ानी toofaanee
Stream धारा dhaara
Sultry उमसदार umasadaar
Trough गर्त gart
Turf मैदान maidaan
Typhoon आंधी aandhee
Urban शहरी shaharee
Valley घाटी ghaatee
Vapor भाप bhaap
Verge कगार kagaar
Village गाँव rajnagar gaanv rajnagar
Volcano ज्वर भाता jvar bhaata
Water पानी paanee
Wave लहर lahar
Windfall अप्रत्याशित apratyaashit

Top 1000 Hindi words

Here you learn top 1000 Hindi words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hindi meanings with transliteration.

Eat खा kha
All सब saba
New नया naya
Snore सोते सोते चूकना sote sote cukana
Fast तेज teja
Help मदद करना madada karana
Pain दर्द darda
Rain बारिश barisa
Pride गौरव gaurava
Sense समझ samajha
Large बड़ा bara
Skill कौशल kausala
Panic घबड़ाहट ghabarahata
Thank धन्यवाद dhan'yavada
Desire इच्छा iccha
Woman महिला mahila
Hungry भूखा bhukha

Daily use Hindi Sentences

Here you learn top Hindi sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hindi meanings with transliteration.

Good morning शुभ प्रभात shubh prabhaat
What is your name तुम्हारा नाम क्या हे tumhaara naam kya he
What is your problem आपकी समस्या क्या है? aapakee samasya kya hai?
I hate you मैं तुमसे नफ़रत करता हूं main tumase nafarat karata hoon
I love you मैं आपसे प्यार करती हूँ main aapase pyaar karatee hoon
Can I help you क्या मैं आपकी मदद कर सकता हूं? kya main aapakee madad kar sakata hoon?
I am sorry मैं माफी चाहता हूं main maaphee chaahata hoon
I want to sleep मैं सोना चाहती हूं main sona chaahatee hoon
This is very important यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है yah bahut mahatvapoorn hai
Are you hungry क्या आप भूखे हैं? kya aap bhookhe hain?
How is your life आपका जीवन कैसे चल रहा है? aapaka jeevan kaise chal raha hai?
I am going to study मेँ पढ़ने जा रहा हूं men padhane ja raha hoon
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