List of Positive words in Hausa and English

To learn Hausa language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Positive words in English with Hausa translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Positive words in Hausa, this place will help you to learn Positive words in Hausa language with their pronunciation in English. Positive words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Hausa.

List of Positive words in Hausa and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Positive words in Hausa

Here is the list of Positive words in Hausa language and their pronunciation in English.

Absorbing sha
Accepted karba
Acclaim yabo
Accomplish cim ma
Accuracy daidaito
Active aiki
Add ƙara
Admire sha'awa
Advantage amfani
Affection soyayya
Affinity kusanci
Affirmation tabbatarwa
Afford iyawa
Agree yarda
Aim manufa
Air iska
Alert faɗakarwa
Allow yarda
Amazing ban mamaki
Animation tashin hankali
Appeal roko
Applause tafi
Appreciated godiya
Approve yarda
Assurance tabbacin
Attraction sha'awa
Awareness sani
Balance daidaitawa
Beautiful kyau
Belong nasa
Benefit amfani
Best mafi kyau
Better mafi kyau
Beyond bayan
Blessing albarka
Bold m
Brave m
Brightness haske
Brilliant m
Capable m
Care kula
Celebration biki
Centered a tsakiya
Certain tabbata
Challenge kalubale
Champion zakara
Change canji
Charming m
Cheerful m
Choice zabi
Clarity tsabta
Clean mai tsabta
Clear bayyananne
Clever wayo
Collaboration hadin gwiwa
Collected tattara
Comedy wasan ban dariya
Comfort ta'aziyya
Community al'umma
Compassion tausayi
Complete cikakke
Concentration maida hankali
Confident m
Congratulations ina tayaka murna
Connection haɗi
Conservation kiyayewa
Consideration la'akari
Content abun ciki
Continuous ci gaba
Contribution gudunmawa

Top 1000 Hausa words

Here you learn top 1000 Hausa words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Eat ci
All duka
New sabo
Snore kururuwa
Fast sauri
Help taimako
Pain zafi
Rain ruwan sama
Pride girman kai
Sense hankali
Large babba
Skill gwaninta
Panic tsoro
Thank na gode
Desire sha'awa
Woman mace
Hungry yunwa

Daily use Hausa Sentences

Here you learn top Hausa sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Barka da safiya
What is your name Menene sunanka
What is your problem menene matsalar ku?
I hate you na ki jinin ka
I love you Ina son ku
Can I help you zan iya taimaka muku?
I am sorry Yi hankuri
I want to sleep ina so in yi barci
This is very important Wannan yana da matukar muhimmanci
Are you hungry kuna jin yunwa?
How is your life yaya rayuwarka take?
I am going to study zan yi karatu
Hausa Vocabulary
Hausa Dictionary

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