List of Adverbs in Kurmanji kurdish and English

To learn Kurmanji kurdish language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Adverbs in English with Kurmanji kurdish translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Adverbs in Kurmanji kurdish, this place will help you to learn Adverbs in Kurmanji kurdish language with their pronunciation in English. Adverbs are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Kurmanji kurdish.

List of Adverbs in Kurmanji kurdish and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Adverbs in Kurmanji kurdish

Here is the list of Adverbs in Kurmanji kurdish language and their pronunciation in English.

Playfully שפּיללעך
Poorly שוואַך
Positively דורכויס
Powerfully שטאַרק
Promptly פּונקט
Properly ריכטיק
Punctually פּונקט פּונקט
Quickly געשווינד
Randomly ראַנדאַמלי
Rapidly גיך
Rarely זעלטן
Readily גרינג
Really טאַקע
Regularly קעסיידער
Repeatedly ריפּיטידלי
Restfully רעסטפאַלי
Roughly בעערעך
Rudely גראָב
Safely בעשאָלעם
Separately באַזונדער
Seriously עמעס
Sharply שארף
Silently שטילערהייט
Sleepily שלאָף
Slowly פּאַמעלעך
Smoothly סמודלי
Softly ווייך
Speedily געשווינד
Successfully הצלחה
Suddenly פּלוצלינג
Terribly שרעקלעך
Thankfully דאַנקבאַר
Truthfully אמתדיק
Unexpectedly אומגעריכט
Unfortunately ליידער
Unnaturally ומנאַטירלעך
Unnecessarily אַננעסאַסעראַלי
Urgently ערדזשאַנטלי
Usefully נוציק
Usually יוזשאַוואַלי
Vacantly ליידיג
Victoriously וויקטאָריאַס
Violently גוואַלדיק
Voluntarily פרייוויליק
Wonderfully ווונדערלעך
Wrongly אומרעכט
Yearly יאָריק
Yieldingly ייעלדינגלי
Youthfully יוגנטלעך

Top 1000 Kurmanji kurdish words

Here you learn top 1000 Kurmanji kurdish words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Kurmanji kurdish meanings with transliteration.

Eat xwarin
All gişt
New nşh
Snore xûrxûrkirin
Help alîkarî
Pain êş
Rain baran
Pride serbilindî
Sense hîs
Large mezin
Skill jîrî
Panic panîk
Thank sipaskirin
Desire xwezî
Woman jin
Hungry birçî

Daily use Kurmanji kurdish Sentences

Here you learn top Kurmanji kurdish sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Kurmanji kurdish meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Beyanî baş
What is your name Navê te çi ye
What is your problem Pirsgirêka te çi ye?
I hate you Ez nefretê te dikim
I love you Ez hej te dikim
Can I help you Dikarim ez alîkarîya we bikem?
I am sorry Min bibore
I want to sleep Ez dixwazim razêm
This is very important Ev pir girîng e
Are you hungry Tu birçî yî?
How is your life Jiyana te çawa ye?
I am going to study Ez diçim xwendinê
Kurmanji kurdish Vocabulary
Kurmanji kurdish Dictionary

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