List of Adjectives in French and English

To learn French language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Adjectives in English with French translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Adjectives in French, this place will help you to learn Adjectives in French language with their pronunciation in English. Adjectives are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and French.

List of Adjectives in French and English

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Adjectives in French

Here is the list of Adjectives in French language and their pronunciation in English.

Kind gentil
Known connu
Lazy paresseux
Light lumière
Lively vivant
Lonely solitaire
Long long
Lovely beau
Lucky chanceux
Magnificent magnifique
Misty brumeux
Modern moderne
Motionless immobile
Muddy boueux
Mushy détrempé
Mysterious mystérieux
Nasty méchant
Naughty vilain
Neat soigné
Nervous nerveux
New nouveau
Next suivant
Nice bon
Normal normale
Nutty noisette
Obedient obéissant
Obnoxious odieux
Odd impair
Only seulement
Open ouvrir
Open ouvrir
Opening ouverture
Opposite opposé
Ordinary ordinaire
Original original
Outgoing sortant
Outstanding remarquable
Panicky de panique
Perfect parfait
Plain plaine
Pleasant agréable
Poised prêt
Poor pauvre
Powerful puissant
Precious précieux
Prickly épineux
Proud fier
Putrid putride
Puzzled perplexe
Quaint pittoresque
Quick rapide
Quiet calme
Real réel
Relieved soulagé
Repulsive repoussant
Rich riche
Scary effrayant
Selfish égoïste
Shiny brillant
Shy timide
Silly idiot
Sleepy somnolent
Smiling souriant
Smoggy smogeux
Sore douloureux
Sparkling pétillant
Spotless impeccable
Stormy orageux
Strange étrange
Stupid stupide

Top 1000 French words

Here you learn top 1000 French words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have French meanings with transliteration.

Eat manger
All tout
New Nouveau
Snore ronfler
Fast vite
Help aider
Pain la douleur
Rain pluie
Pride Orgueil
Sense sens
Large grande
Skill compétence
Panic panique
Thank remercier
Desire le désir
Woman femme
Hungry faim

Daily use French Sentences

Here you learn top French sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have French meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonjour
What is your name Quel est ton nom
What is your problem Quel est votre problème?
I hate you je vous déteste
I love you je t'aime
Can I help you puis-je vous aider?
I am sorry je suis désolé
I want to sleep je veux dormir
This is very important C'est très important
Are you hungry tu as faim?
How is your life comment va ta vie ?
I am going to study je vais étudier
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