List of Prefix in Corsican and English

To learn Corsican language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Corsican translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Corsican Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Corsican language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Corsican.

List of Prefix in Corsican and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Corsican

Here is the list of prefixes in Corsican language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate disattivà
Debate dibattitu
Decade decenniu
Decent decente
Decision decisione
Declare dichjarà
Decode decodificà
Decomposition descomposizione
Decrease diminuite
Deduction deduzzione
Default predeterminatu
Defeat scunfitta
Defend difende
Deforest deforestazione
Deformation deformazione
Degeneration degenerazione
Demand dumanda


Disaccord disaccordu
Disaffection disaffection
Disagree disaccordu
Disappear spariscia
Disapprove disappruvà
Discharge scaricamentu
Discipline disciplina
Discompose scompone
Discount scontu
Discover scopre
Displeasure dispiacere
Disqualify squalificà


Exceed supera
Exchange scambià
Exhale espiri
Explain spiegà
Explosion splusione
Export esportà


Impair impair
Impassion passione
Implant implant
Import impurtà
Impossible impussibule
Impress impress
Improper impropriu
Improve migliurà


Inaction inazione
Inactive inattivu
Inadequate inadegwate
Income ingressu
Incorrect incorrecte
Indirect indirettu
Insecure insicuru
Inside dentru
Invisible invisibile


Interaction interazzione
Interchange scambià
Intermission intermezzu
International internaziunale
Internet internet
Interview intervista


Irradiation irradiazione
Irrational irrazionale
Irregular irregolari
Irrelevant irrilevante
Irreplaceable insustituibile
Irreversible irreversibile


Midday meziornu
Midland midland
Midnight mezzanotte
Midway a mezza strada
Midwife levatrice


Misaligned misaligned
Misguide misguida
Misinform disinformare
Mislead ingannà
Misplace misplace
Misrule misrule
Misspelt sbagliatu
Mistake sbagliu
Misunderstand malintendere
Misuse abusu


Non existent inesistente
Non pareil non pareil
Nonchalant nonchalant
Nonfiction nonfiction
Nonsense sciocchezza
Nonstop senza stop


Overcharge overcharge
Overcome vince
Overflow overflow
Overlap sovrappone
Overload overload
Overlook trascura
Overpower overpower
Overrate sopravalutà
Overrule overrule


Predefine predefinitu
Prefix prefissu
Prehistory preistoria
Prepay prepay
Prepossess prepossu
Prevail prevale
Preview anteprima


Proactive proattivu
Proceed procede
Proclaim proclamà
Profess professà
Profit prufittu
Profound prufonda
Program prugramma
Progress prugressu
Prolong prolongà


React reagisce
Reappear riapparisce
Reclaim ricunquistà
Recollect ricurdà
Recommendation raccomandazione
Reconsider riconsiderà
Recover ricuperà
Redo rifà
Rewrite riscrive


Telecommunication telecomunicazione
Telegram telegramma
Telepathic telepatica
Telephone telefonu
Telescope telescopiu
Television televisione


Transfer trasferimentu
Transform trasfurmà
Transgender transgender
Translation traduzzione
Transparent trasparenti
Transport trasportu


Undo annullà
Unequal ineguali
Unhappy infelice
Unpack unpack
Unseen invisibili
Unstable instabile
Unusual inusual


Update aghjurnamentu
Upgrade aghjurnà
Uphill in salita
Uphold sustene
Upset turbatu
Upstairs sopra
Upward in su

Top 1000 Corsican words

Here you learn top 1000 Corsican words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Corsican meanings with transliteration.

Eat manghja
All tutti
New novu
Snore russà
Fast prestu
Help aiutu
Pain dulore
Rain piova
Pride orgogliu
Sense sensu
Large grande
Skill abilità
Panic panicu
Thank ringraziu
Desire desideriu
Woman donna
Hungry a fame

Daily use Corsican Sentences

Here you learn top Corsican sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Corsican meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonghjornu
What is your name Cumu hè u to nome
What is your problem Chì ghjè u vostru prublema ?
I hate you Ti odiu
I love you Ti tengu caru
Can I help you Possu aiutà ti?
I am sorry Mi dispiace
I want to sleep Vogliu dorme
This is very important Questu hè assai impurtante
Are you hungry Avete fame ?
How is your life Cumu hè a vostra vita ?
I am going to study Aghju da studià
Corsican Vocabulary
Corsican Dictionary

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