List of Negative words in Uyghur and English

To learn Uyghur language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Uyghur translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Uyghur, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Uyghur language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Uyghur.

List of Negative words in Uyghur and English

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Negative words in Uyghur

Here is the list of Negative words in Uyghur language and their pronunciation in English.

Sorry كەچۈرۈڭ
Spiteful رەھىمسىز
Sticky چاپلاق
Stinky سېسىق
Stormy بوران
Stressful بېسىم
Stuck چاپلىشىپ قالدى
Stupid ئەخمەق
Suspect گۇماندار
Suspicious گۇمانلىق
Tense جىددىي
Terrible قورقۇنچلۇق
Terrifying قورقۇنچلۇق
Threatening تەھدىد
Ugly سەت
Undermine بۇزۇش
Unfair ئادالەتسىز
Unfavorable پايدىسىز
Unhappy بەختسىز
Unhealthy ساغلام ئەمەس
Unlucky تەلەيسىز
Unpleasant يېقىمسىز
Unreliable ئىشەنچسىز
Unsatisfactory رازى ئەمەس
Unwanted كېرەكسىز
Unwelcome قارشى ئېلىنمايدۇ
Unwholesome پايدىسىز
Unwieldy unwieldy
Unwise ئەقىلسىز
Upset خاپا
Vice vice
Vile vile
Villainous قەبىھ
Weary ھارغىن
Wicked رەزىل
Worthless ئەرزىمەس
Wound جاراھەت
Yell دەپ ۋاقىرىدى
Zero نۆل

Top 1000 Uyghur words

Here you learn top 1000 Uyghur words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Uyghur meanings with transliteration.

Eat يېيىش
All ھەممىسى
New new
Snore snore
Fast تېز
Help ياردەم
Pain ئاغرىق
Rain يامغۇر
Pride غۇرۇر
Sense مەنىسى
Large چوڭ
Skill ماھارەت
Panic ۋەھىمە
Thank رەھمەت
Desire ئارزۇ
Woman ئايال
Hungry قورسىقى ئاچ

Daily use Uyghur Sentences

Here you learn top Uyghur sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Uyghur meanings with transliteration.

Good morning خەيرلىك ئەتىگەن!
What is your name ئىسمىڭىز نېمە؟
What is your problem مەسىلىڭىز نېمە؟
I hate you مەن سېنى ئۆچ كۆرىمەن
I love you مەن سىزنى ياخشى كۆرىمەن
Can I help you سىزگە ياردەم قىلالامدىم؟
I am sorry كەچۈرۈڭ
I want to sleep ئۇخلىغۇم بار
This is very important بۇ ئىنتايىن مۇھىم
Are you hungry قورسىقىڭىز ئاچتىمۇ؟
How is your life ھاياتىڭىز قانداقراق؟
I am going to study مەن ئوقۇماقچى
Uyghur Vocabulary
Uyghur Dictionary

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