List of Adverbs in Uyghur and English

To learn Uyghur language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Adverbs in English with Uyghur translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Adverbs in Uyghur, this place will help you to learn Adverbs in Uyghur language with their pronunciation in English. Adverbs are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Uyghur.

List of Adverbs in Uyghur and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Adverbs in Uyghur

Here is the list of Adverbs in Uyghur language and their pronunciation in English.

Playfully ئويناپ
Poorly ناچار
Positively ئىجابىي
Powerfully كۈچلۈك
Promptly دەرھال
Properly مۇۋاپىق
Punctually دەل ۋاقتىدا
Quickly تېز
Randomly ئىختىيارىي
Rapidly تېز
Rarely ناھايىتى ئاز ئۇچرايدۇ
Readily ئاسانلا
Really ھەقىقەتەن
Regularly قەرەللىك
Repeatedly قايتا-قايتا
Restfully خاتىرجەم
Roughly تەخمىنەن
Rudely قوپاللىق بىلەن
Safely بىخەتەر
Separately ئايرىم
Seriously ئەستايىدىل
Sharply كەسكىن
Silently ئۈن-تىنسىز
Sleepily ئۇيقۇسى
Slowly ئاستا
Smoothly ئوڭۇشلۇق
Softly ئاستا
Speedily تېز
Successfully مۇۋەپپەقىيەتلىك
Suddenly تۇيۇقسىز
Terribly قورقۇنچلۇق
Thankfully رەھمەت
Truthfully راستىنى ئېيتقاندا
Unexpectedly ئويلىمىغان يەردىن
Unfortunately بەختكە قارشى
Unnaturally تەبىئىي ئەمەس
Unnecessarily ھاجەتسىز
Urgently جىددى
Usefully پايدىلىق
Usually ئادەتتە
Vacantly بوش
Victoriously غەلىبە بىلەن
Violently زوراۋان
Voluntarily ئۆز ئىختىيارلىقى بىلەن
Wonderfully ئاجايىپ
Wrongly خاتا
Yearly ھەر يىلى
Yieldingly مول ھوسۇللۇق
Youthfully ياشلىق

Top 1000 Uyghur words

Here you learn top 1000 Uyghur words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Uyghur meanings with transliteration.

Eat يېيىش
All ھەممىسى
New new
Snore snore
Fast تېز
Help ياردەم
Pain ئاغرىق
Rain يامغۇر
Pride غۇرۇر
Sense مەنىسى
Large چوڭ
Skill ماھارەت
Panic ۋەھىمە
Thank رەھمەت
Desire ئارزۇ
Woman ئايال
Hungry قورسىقى ئاچ

Daily use Uyghur Sentences

Here you learn top Uyghur sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Uyghur meanings with transliteration.

Good morning خەيرلىك ئەتىگەن!
What is your name ئىسمىڭىز نېمە؟
What is your problem مەسىلىڭىز نېمە؟
I hate you مەن سېنى ئۆچ كۆرىمەن
I love you مەن سىزنى ياخشى كۆرىمەن
Can I help you سىزگە ياردەم قىلالامدىم؟
I am sorry كەچۈرۈڭ
I want to sleep ئۇخلىغۇم بار
This is very important بۇ ئىنتايىن مۇھىم
Are you hungry قورسىقىڭىز ئاچتىمۇ؟
How is your life ھاياتىڭىز قانداقراق؟
I am going to study مەن ئوقۇماقچى
Uyghur Vocabulary
Uyghur Dictionary

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