English to French A-Z Dictionary

English to French translation / English to French Dictionary gives the meaning of words in French language ending from A to Z. If you can read English you can learn French through English in an easy way. English to French translation helps you to learn any word in French using English in an interesting way.

English to French translation – Words end with Y

Here is a collection of words ending with Y and also you can learn French translation of a word end with Y with the help of pronunciation in English.

English to French translation – Words end with Y

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

French Dictionary – Words end with Y

If you want to know the French translation of a word end with Y, you can search that word and learn French translation with the help of pronunciation in English.

Words end with Y

Antimony antimoine
January janvier
February février
May mai
July juillet
Eternity Éternité
Especially particulièrement
Modify modifier
Quality qualité
Secretary secrétaire
Seaway Voie maritime
Acarology étude des acariens
Aerology étude de l'atmosphère
Aetiology étude de la maladie
Agrobiology étude de la nutrition des plantes
Agrostology étude des graminées
Algology étude des algues
Allergology étude des allergies
Andrology étude de la santé masculine
Anesthesiology étude de l'anesthésie
Angelology étude des anges
Anthropology étude de l'homme
Apiology étude des abeilles
Arachnology étude des araignées
Areology étude de mars
Astacology étude des écrevisses
Astrobiology étude de l'origine de la vie
Astrogeology étude de géologie
Audiology étude de l'audition
Autecology étude de l'écologie
Auxology étude de la croissance humaine
Bacteriology étude des bactéries
Beierlology étude des harceleurs
Bibliology étude de livres
Biology étude de la vie
Biometeorology étude des conditions atmosphériques
Characterology étude de caractère
Chavezology étude des adorateurs du diable
Chronology étude de l'ordre du temps
Climatology étude du climat
Coleopterology étude des coléoptères
Coniology étude des poussières dans l'atmosphère
Conchology étude des coquillages
Cosmetology étude de la cosmétique
Craniology étude du crâne
Criminology étude de la criminalité
Cynology étude des chiens
Cytomorphology étude de la structure des cellules
Cytology étude des cellules
Demonology étude des démons

Top 1000 French words

Here you learn top 1000 French words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have French meanings with transliteration.

Eat manger
All tout
New Nouveau
Snore ronfler
Fast vite
Help aider
Pain la douleur
Rain pluie
Pride Orgueil
Sense sens
Large grande
Skill compétence
Panic panique
Thank remercier
Desire le désir
Woman femme
Hungry faim

Daily use French Sentences

Here you learn top French sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have French meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonjour
What is your name Quel est ton nom
What is your problem Quel est votre problème?
I hate you je vous déteste
I love you je t'aime
Can I help you puis-je vous aider?
I am sorry je suis désolé
I want to sleep je veux dormir
This is very important C'est très important
Are you hungry tu as faim?
How is your life comment va ta vie ?
I am going to study je vais étudier
French Vocabulary
French Dictionary

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