List of Prefix in Italian and English

To learn Italian language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Italian translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Italian Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Italian language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Italian.

List of Prefix in Italian and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Italian

Here is the list of prefixes in Italian language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate disattivare
Debate discussione
Decade decennio
Decent decente
Decision decisione
Declare dichiarare
Decode decodificare
Decomposition decomposizione
Decrease diminuire
Deduction deduzione
Default predefinito
Defeat sconfitta
Defend difendere
Deforest deforestare
Deformation deformazione
Degeneration degenerazione
Demand richiesta


Disaccord disaccordo
Disaffection disaffezione
Disagree disaccordo
Disappear scomparire
Disapprove disapprovare
Discharge scarico
Discipline disciplina
Discompose scomporre
Discount sconto
Discover scoprire
Displeasure dispiacere
Disqualify squalificare


Exceed superare
Exchange scambio
Exhale espirare
Explain spiegare
Explosion esplosione
Export esportare


Impair compromettere
Impassion appassionare
Implant impiantare
Import importare
Impossible impossibile
Impress impressionare
Improper improprio
Improve migliorare


Inaction inazione
Inactive inattivo
Inadequate inadeguato
Income reddito
Incorrect errato
Indirect indiretto
Insecure insicuro
Inside dentro
Invisible invisibile


Interaction interazione
Interchange interscambio
Intermission intervallo
International internazionale
Internet Internet
Interview colloquio


Irradiation irradiazione
Irrational irrazionale
Irregular irregolare
Irrelevant irrilevante
Irreplaceable insostituibile
Irreversible irreversibile


Midday mezzogiorno
Midland metà terra
Midnight mezzanotte
Midway a metà strada
Midwife ostetrica


Misaligned disallineato
Misguide fuorviare
Misinform disinformazione
Mislead indurre in errore
Misplace fuori posto
Misrule malgoverno
Misspelt errore di ortografia
Mistake errore
Misunderstand fraintendere
Misuse abuso


Non existent inesistente
Non pareil non pari
Nonchalant disinvolto
Nonfiction saggistica
Nonsense senza senso
Nonstop non stop


Overcharge sovraccarico
Overcome superare
Overflow traboccamento
Overlap sovrapposizione
Overload sovraccarico
Overlook trascurare
Overpower sopraffare
Overrate sopravvalutare
Overrule prevalere


Predefine predefinire
Prefix prefisso
Prehistory preistoria
Prepay pagamento anticipato
Prepossess prepossedere
Prevail prevalere
Preview anteprima


Proactive proattivi
Proceed procedere
Proclaim proclamare
Profess professare
Profit profitto
Profound profondo
Program programma
Progress progresso
Prolong prolungare


React reagire
Reappear riapparire
Reclaim reclamare
Recollect ricordare
Recommendation raccomandazione
Reconsider riconsiderare
Recover recuperare
Redo rifare
Rewrite riscrivere


Telecommunication telecomunicazione
Telegram telegramma
Telepathic telepatico
Telephone telefono
Telescope telescopio
Television televisione


Transfer trasferimento
Transform trasformare
Transgender transgender
Translation traduzione
Transparent trasparente
Transport trasporto


Undo disfare
Unequal disuguale
Unhappy infelice
Unpack disfare le valigie
Unseen invisibile
Unstable instabile
Unusual insolito


Update aggiornamento
Upgrade aggiornamento
Uphill salita
Uphold sostenere
Upset Rovesciato
Upstairs di sopra
Upward in su

Top 1000 Italian words

Here you learn top 1000 Italian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Italian meanings with transliteration.

Eat mangiare
All Tutto
New nuovo
Snore russare
Fast veloce
Help aiuto
Pain dolore
Rain piovere
Pride orgoglio
Sense senso
Large di grandi dimensioni
Skill abilità
Panic panico
Thank grazie
Desire desiderio
Woman donna
Hungry Affamato

Daily use Italian Sentences

Here you learn top Italian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Italian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Buongiorno
What is your name Come ti chiami
What is your problem Qual è il tuo problema?
I hate you ti odio
I love you ti amo
Can I help you posso aiutarla?
I am sorry mi dispiace
I want to sleep Voglio dormire
This is very important Questo è molto importante
Are you hungry hai fame?
How is your life com'è la tua vita?
I am going to study sto per studiare
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Italian Dictionary

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