List of Compound words in French and English

To learn French language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Compound words in English with French translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Compound words in French, this place will help you to learn Compound words in French language with their pronunciation in English. Compound words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and French.

List of Compound words in French and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Compound words in French

Here is the list of Compound words in French language and their pronunciation in English.

A compound word is a word that contains more than one word (combine two words). Example:      • Bath+Room = Bathroom      • Bed+Room = Bedroom

Indoor intérieur
Inside à l'intérieur
Inward vers l'intérieur
Jackfruit jacquier
Landform relief
Landmark point de repère
Lifelong à vie
Lifestyle mode de vie
Lifetime durée de vie
Limestone calcaire
Mankind humanité
Maybe peut être
Milestone jalon
Moreover de plus
Myself moi-même
Network réseau
Newcomer nouveau venu
Newspaper journal
Nighttime la nuit
Nobody personne
Northeast nord-est
Northwest Nord Ouest
Offline hors ligne
Online en ligne
Onward en avant
Otherwise sinon
Outcome résultat
Outgoing sortant
Outstanding remarquable
Overall dans l'ensemble
Overflow débordement
Passport passeport
Password mot de passe
Pineapple ananas
Policeman policier
Railway chemin de fer
Rainbow arc-en-ciel
Rainfall précipitations
Righthanded droitier
Roommate colocataire
Runaway fuyez
Safeguard sauvegarde
Salesman vendeur
Snapshot instantané
Snowfall chute de neige
Somebody quelqu'un
Something quelque chose
Sometime parfois
Southeast sud-est
Southwest sud-ouest
Sportsman sportif
Staircase escalier
Startup démarrer
Takeaway emporter
Takeover reprendre
Throughout tout au long de
Thumbnail vignette
Thunderstorm orage
Timekeeper chronométreur
Timeout temps mort
Underground souterrain
Understand comprendre
Underwear sous-vêtement
Upcoming A venir
Update mise à jour
Updraft courant ascendant
Upgrade mise à niveau
Upset bouleversé
Upward vers le haut
Warmup réchauffer

Top 1000 French words

Here you learn top 1000 French words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have French meanings with transliteration.

Eat manger
All tout
New Nouveau
Snore ronfler
Fast vite
Help aider
Pain la douleur
Rain pluie
Pride Orgueil
Sense sens
Large grande
Skill compétence
Panic panique
Thank remercier
Desire le désir
Woman femme
Hungry faim

Daily use French Sentences

Here you learn top French sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have French meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonjour
What is your name Quel est ton nom
What is your problem Quel est votre problème?
I hate you je vous déteste
I love you je t'aime
Can I help you puis-je vous aider?
I am sorry je suis désolé
I want to sleep je veux dormir
This is very important C'est très important
Are you hungry tu as faim?
How is your life comment va ta vie ?
I am going to study je vais étudier
French Vocabulary
French Dictionary

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