List of Negative words in Chichewa and English

To learn Chichewa language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Chichewa translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Chichewa, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Chichewa language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Chichewa.

List of Negative words in Chichewa and English

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Negative words in Chichewa

Here is the list of Negative words in Chichewa language and their pronunciation in English.

Horrendous zowopsya
Horrible zoopsa
Hostile waudani
Hurtful zopweteka
Ignorant mbuli
Ignore nyalanyaza
Immature osakhwima
Imperfect opanda ungwiro
Impossible zosatheka
Inelegant wopanda ulemu
Infernal infernal
Injure kuvulaza
Insane wamisala
Insidious wonyenga
Jealous wansanje
Junky zonyansa
Lose kutaya
Lousy lousy
Lumpy lumpy
Malicious wanjiru
Mean kutanthauza
Messy zosokoneza
Missing akusowa
Misunderstood osamvetsedwa
Moan kubuula
Moldy nkhungu
Moody moody
Naive wopanda pake
Nasty zoipa
Naughty wamwano
Negative zoipa
Never ayi
No ayi
Nobody palibe
Nonsense zamkhutu
Not ayi
Noxious zoopsa
Objectionable zotsutsa
Odious zonyansa
Offensive zokhumudwitsa
Old wakale
Oppressive wopondereza
Pain ululu
Petty zazing'ono
Plain zomveka
Poisonous chakupha
Pompous wodzitukumula
Poor osauka
Questionable zokayikitsa
Quit kusiya
Reject kukana
Renege renege
Repellant wobwebweta
Repulsive wonyansa
Revenge kubwezera
Revolting wopanduka
Rocky miyala
Rotten chowola
Rude mwano
Sad zachisoni
Savage wankhanza
Scare mantha
Scream kukuwa
Severe kwambiri
Shocking chodabwitsa
Sick odwala
Sickening kudwala
Sinister woyipa
Slimy woonda
Smelly kununkha

Top 1000 Chichewa words

Here you learn top 1000 Chichewa words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Chichewa meanings with transliteration.

Eat kudya
All zonse
New zatsopano
Snore nkonono
Fast kudya
Help Thandizeni
Pain ululu
Rain mvula
Pride kunyada
Sense nzeru
Large chachikulu
Skill luso
Panic mantha
Thank zikomo
Desire chilakolako
Woman mkazi
Hungry wanjala

Daily use Chichewa Sentences

Here you learn top Chichewa sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chichewa meanings with transliteration.

Good morning M'mawa wabwino
What is your name Dzina lanu ndi ndani
What is your problem Vuto lanu ndi chiyani?
I hate you ndimadana nanu
I love you ndimakukondani
Can I help you Kodi ndingakuthandizeni?
I am sorry Pepani
I want to sleep ndikufuna kugona
This is very important Izi ndi zofunika kwambiri
Are you hungry Muli ndi njala?
How is your life Moyo wanu uli bwanji?
I am going to study Ndikupita kukaphunzira
Chichewa Vocabulary
Chichewa Dictionary

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