List of Negative words in Aymara and English

To learn Aymara language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn top Negative words in English with Aymara translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Negative words in Aymara, this place will help you to learn Negative words in Aymara language with their pronunciation in English. Negative words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Aymara.

List of Negative words in Aymara and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

Negative words in Aymara

Here is the list of Negative words in Aymara language and their pronunciation in English.

Horrendous wali axsarkañawa
Horrible phiru
Hostile justil
Hurtful chuym usuchjayi
Ignorant jan yatiñani
Ignore jaytanukuña
Immature jan jilïr jaqi
Imperfect pantjasir jaqenakäpjjewa
Impossible impusiwli
Inelegant jan suma uñnaqt’ani
Infernal infernal ukham uñt’atawa
Injure usuchjasiña
Insane luqhi
Insidious insidioso ukhamawa
Jealous silusu
Junky junky ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Lose chhaqhayaña
Lousy lousy ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Lumpy lumpy
Malicious jan wali amtani
Mean uñanchaña
Messy apatatata
Missing chhaqhata
Misunderstood jan sum amuyata
Moan jach’a jach’a tukuña
Moldy moho ukham uñt’atawa
Moody malmuraru
Naive inusinti
Nasty axtaña
Naughty jan wali jaqinakawa
Negative janiwa
Never janiwa
No Janiwa
Nobody ni khiti
Nonsense jan wali arunaka
Not janiwa
Noxious jan wali jaqinakawa
Objectionable jan walinak luraña
Odious uñisiñawa
Offensive asxarayasiri
Old achachi
Oppressive t’aqhisiyaña
Pain usu
Petty jisk’a jisk’a
Plain planu
Poisonous venenoso ukhamawa
Pompous pomposo ukat juk’ampinaka
Poor pisin jakiri
Questionable jiskt’asiñjamawa
Quit jaytaña
Reject janiw saña
Renege renege ukax mä juk’a pachanakanwa
Repellant repelente ukaxa
Repulsive repulsivo ukhamawa
Revenge kutxataña
Revolting kutkatasiri
Rocky qalanaka
Rotten thujsantata
Rude qhuru
Sad llakisiñawa
Savage salwaji
Scare axsaraña
Scream arnaqaña
Severe siwiru
Shocking wali muspharkañawa
Sick usuta
Sickening usuntañataki
Sinister sinister ukax wali askiwa
Slimy slimy ukax wali ch’amawa
Smelly wali q’aphini

Top 1000 Aymara words

Here you learn top 1000 Aymara words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Aymara meanings with transliteration.

Eat manq'aña
All taqini
New machaqa
Snore ukatsti chhuxriñchjasiña
Fast jank'aki
Help yanapa
Pain usu
Rain jallu
Pride jach'arsta
Sense kunjama
Large jach'a
Skill awilirara
Panic asxara
Thank paychaña
Desire munta
Woman warmi
Hungry awtjata

Daily use Aymara Sentences

Here you learn top Aymara sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Aymara meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Aski alwakipana
What is your name Kunas sutimaxa
What is your problem ¿Kuna jan waltʼäwis jumatakixa?
I hate you Nayajj jumar uñisipjjsmawa
I love you munsmawa
Can I help you ¿Yanaptʼirismati?
I am sorry Nayax llakistwa
I want to sleep Nayax ikiñ munta
This is very important Ukajj wali wakiskiriwa
Are you hungry ¿Manqʼat awtjatätati?
How is your life ¿Kunjamsa jakäwimax utji?
I am going to study Nayax yatxatiriw saraskta
Aymara Vocabulary
Aymara Dictionary

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