Daily use common Spanish Sentences and Phrases

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     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Spanish language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Spanish sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Spanish translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Spanish language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Spanish language quickly and also play some Spanish word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Spanish.

Daily use common Spanish Sentences and Phrases

Spanish sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Spanish language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

I hate youte odio
I love youTe quiero
I’m in loveEstoy enamorado
I’m sorryLo siento
I’m so sorrylo siento mucho
I’m yoursSoy tuyo
Thanks againgracias de nuevo
How are youCómo estás
I am fineEstoy bien
Take careCuídate
I miss youTe echo de menos
You're niceEres agradable
That’s terribleEso es terrible
That's too badEso es muy malo
That's too muchEso es demasiado
See youNos vemos
Thank youGracias
Thank you sirGracias Señor
Are you freeEstás libre
No problemNo hay problema
Get well soonMejorate pronto
Very goodMuy bueno
Well doneBien hecho
What’s upQué pasa
I can't hear youNo puedo escucharte
I can't stopNo puedo parar
I know
Good byeAdiós
Good ideaBuena idea
Good luckBuena suerte
You are latellegas tarde
Who is next?quién es el siguiente?
Who is she?quien es ella?
Who is that man?Quien es ese hombre?
Who built it?quien lo construyó?
They hurtduelen
She got angryella se enojó
She is a teacherella es una maestra
She is aggressiveella es agresiva
She is attractiveella es atractiva
She is beautifulella es hermosa
She is cryingella está llorando
She is happyella es feliz
No way!de ninguna manera!
No worriesno hay problema
No, thank youno gracias
I'm so happyEstoy tan feliz
I'm hungrytengo hambre
I'm able to runpuedo correr
I agreeestoy de acuerdo
I can swimpuedo nadar
I can't comeno puedo venir
He got angryEl se pusó enojado
He was aloneél estaba solo
He was braveel fue valiente
He likes to swima El legusta nadar
Don't be angryno te enojes
Don't be sadno estés triste
Don't cryno llores
Come inAdelante
Come onvamos
Can you come?puedes venir?
Can I help?puedo ayudar?
Can I eat this?Puedo comer esto?
Can I help you?puedo ayudarte?
Can I see?Puedo ver?
Are you going?Vas a ir?
Are you hungry?tienes hambre?
Are you mad?estas loco?
Are you serious?Hablas en serio?
Are you sleeping?Duermes?
Can you do this?puedes hacer esto?
Can you help me?me puedes ayudar?
Can you tell me?Usted pude decirme?
Come on tomorrowvamos mañana
Come quicklyven rápido
Could I help you?podria ayudarte?
Could you tell me?Podría decirme?
Do not disturb!No molestar!
Do you hear me?Me escuchas?
Do you smoke?Fuma usted?
Have you eaten?Has comido?
Have you finished?Has terminado?
He can run fastÉl puede correr rápido
He began to runel empezó a correr
He did not speakel no hablo
His eyes are bluesus ojos son azules
His smile was goodsu sonrisa era buena
How is your life?cómo es su vida?
How is your family?Cómo está tu familia?
I am a studentsoy un estudiante
I am going to studyvoy a estudiar
I am not a teacherYo no soy un maestro
I am sorryLo siento
I believe youTe creo
I can do this jobpuedo hacer este trabajo
I can run fasterpuedo correr más rápido
I can’t believe itno puedo creerlo
It happensSucede
It is newes nuevo
It is a long storyes una larga historia
It looks like an birdparece un pájaro
It really takes timerealmente lleva tiempo
It was really cheapera realmente barato
It was so noisyera tan ruidoso
It was very difficultfue muy difícil
It wasn't expensiveno fue caro
It wasn't necessaryno era necesario
Let me checkpermítame verificar
Let me saydéjame decir
Let me seedéjeme ver
May I come in?Puedo pasar?
May I help you?Puedo ayudarlo?
May I join you?puedo unirme a ustedes?
May I speak?puedo hablar?
May I eat this?puedo comer esto?
My father is tallmi padre es alto
My sister has a jobmi hermana tiene un trabajo
My sister is famousmi hermana es famosa
My wife is a doctorMi esposa es doctora
No, I'll eat laterno, comeré más tarde
Please come inPor favor entra
Please do that againpor favor haz eso de nuevo
Please give mepor favor dame
She admired himella lo admiraba
She avoids meella me evita
She came lastella fue la última
She goes to schoolella va a la escuela
That house is bigesa casa es grande
That is a good ideaeso es una buena idea
That is my bookéste es mi libro
That is my sonese es mi hijo
The dog is deadel perro esta muerto
The river is wideel río es ancho
There is no doubtno hay duda
They are playingellos están jugando
They are prettyellos son bonitos
They got marriedse casaron
They have few bookstienen pocos libros
They stopped talkingdejaron de hablar
This is my friendeste es mi amigo
This bird can't flyeste pájaro no puede volar
This decision is finalesta decisión es final
This is my bookeste es mi libro
This is my brothereste es mi hermano
This is my daughteresta es mi hija
This is not a jokeEsto no es una broma
This is surprisingesto es sorprendente
This river is beautifuleste río es hermoso
This story is trueesta historia es verdad
We are happyestamos felices
Will it rain today?lloverá hoy?
Will you go on a trip?Irás de viaje?
Will she come?ella vendrá
Would you kill me?me matarias
Would you love me?me amarías?
Would you come here?vendrias aqui
You are a teachertu eres maestra
You are very beautifuleres muy hermosa
You are very braveeres muy valiente
You broke the rulesrompiste las reglas
You love meme amas
you love me or notme amas o no
You make me happyme haces feliz
You may gotu puedes ir
You should sleepdeberías dormir
You must study hardtu debes estudiar duro
Whose idea is this?de quien es esta idea?
Thanks for your helpGracias por tu ayuda
Thank you for cominggracias por venir
How about youY tú
How is your familyCómo está tu familia
How to SayCómo decir
Good morningBuenos dias
Good afternoonBuena tarde
Good eveningBuenas noches
Good nightBuenas noches
Happy birthdayFeliz cumpleaños
Happy ChristmasFeliz Navidad
Happy new yearFeliz año nuevo
Good to see youQue bueno verte
I don't like itNo me gusta
I have no ideaNo tengo ni idea
I know everythinglo se todo
I know somethingSé algo
Thank you so muchMuchas gracias
Thanks a millionUn millón de gracias
See you laterHasta luego
See you next weekTe veo la proxima semana
See you next yearTe veo el próximo año
See you soonNos vemos pronto
See you tomorrowNos vemos mañana
Sweet dreamsDulces sueños
I’m crazy about youEstoy loco por ti
I'm crazy with youEstoy loco contigo
Nice to meet youEncantado de conocerte
It's very cheapEs muy barato
Just a momentsólo un momento
Not necessarilyno necesariamente
That’s a good dealEs un buen trato
You're beautifulEres hermoso
You're very niceEs usted muy agradable
You're very smartEres muy listo
I really appreciate itRealmente lo aprecio
I really miss youRealmente te extraño

Hard sentences

What is your nameCuál es tu nombre
Which is correct?cual es correcta?
Will you please help me?Por favor podría usted ayudarme?
Will you stay at home?te quedarás en casa
Do you need anything?necesitas algo?
Do you need this book?Necesitas este libro?
Are you feeling better?te sientes mejor?
Are you writing a letter?estás escribiendo una carta?
Come and see me nowven a verme ahora
Come with your familyven con tu familia
I'm very busy this weekestoy muy ocupado esta semana
There is a lot of moneyhay mucho dinero
They are good peopleson buenas personas
We need some moneynecesitamos algo de dinero
What is your destination?Cuál es su destino?
What are you doing today?Qué harás hoy?
What are you reading?Qué estás leyendo?
What can I do for you?Qué puedo hacer por ti?
What is the problem?Cuál es el problema?
What is the story?cual es la historia?
What is your problem?cual es tu problema?
What was that noise?que fue ese ruido?
When can we eat?cuando podemos comer
When do you study?cuando estudias?
When was it finished?cuando se acabo?
How about your familyQué tal tu familia
Do you understand?Lo entiendes?
Do you love me?me amas?
Don't talk about workno hables de trabajo
How can I help you?Le puedo ayudar en algo?
How deep is the lake?Qué tan profundo es el lago?
I'm not disturbing youno te estoy molestando
I'm proud of my sonestoy orgulloso de mi hijo
I'm sorry to disturb youSiento molestarlo
Is something wrong?hay algo mal?
May I open the door?Puedo abrir la puerta?
Thanks for everythingGracias por todo
This is very difficultEsto es muy difícil
This is very importantEsto es muy importante
Where are you fromDe dónde eres
Do you have any ideaTiene alguna idea
I love you so muchte amo tanto
I love you very muchTe quiero muchísimo
I’m in love with youEstoy enamorado de ti
I missed you so muchTe extrañé mucho
Let me think about itDéjame pensar en ello
Thank you very muchMuchísimas gracias
I can't stop thinkingNo puedo dejar de pensar
Will you stop talking?dejaras de hablar
Would you like to go?Te gustaría ir?
Would you teach me?me enseñarías
Where is your room?Dónde está tu habitación?
Where should we go?dónde debemos ir?
Where is your house?Donde esta tu casa?
Please close the doorpor favor cierra la puerta
She agreed to my ideaella estuvo de acuerdo con mi idea
That boy is intelligentese chico es inteligente
It was a very big roomera una habitacion muy grande
He can swim very fastel puede nadar muy rapido
He accepted my ideaaceptó mi idea
They loved each otherellos se aman
When will you reach?cuando vas a llegar
Where are you from?de donde eres?
Where are you going?adónde vas?
We love each othernos amamos
We obeyed the rulesobedecimos las reglas
We started to walkempezamos a caminar
We will never agreenunca estaremos de acuerdo
We can make changepodemos hacer un cambio
We cook everydaycocinamos todos los días
We enjoyed itlo disfrutamos
What about you?Y usted?
What are you doing?Que estas haciendo?
What did you say?qué dijiste?
What do you need?que necesitas?
What do you think?Qué piensas?
What do you want?Qué quieres?
What happened?Qué sucedió?
What is that?que es eso?
When was she born?cuando nació ella?
When will we arrive?cuando llegaremos
Where are you?Dónde estás?
Where does it hurt?Dónde le duele?
Where is my book?donde esta mi libro?
Where is the river?donde esta el rio
Who broke this?quien rompio esto?
Why are you crying?Por qué estás llorando?
I can't see anythingno puedo ver nada
I disagree with youNo estoy de acuerdo contigo
I like it very muchme gusta mucho
I need more timenecesito más tiempo
I want to sleepQuiero dormir
I'm able to swimpuedo nadar
I'm not a doctorno soy un doctor
I'm taller than yousoy mas alto que tu
I'm very sadestoy muy triste
Is he a teacher?Es él un profesor?
Is she married?está casada?
Is this book yours?Es este libro tuyo?
Let's ask the teacherVamos a preguntarle al maestro
Let's go out and eatsalgamos a comer
Let's go to a movievamos al cine

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedsu opinión no fue aceptada
His proposals were adopted at the meetingsus propuestas fueron adoptadas en la reunión
How do you come to school?como vienes a la escuela
If I had money, I could buy itsi tuviera dinero, lo podría comprar
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you onesi quieres un lapiz te presto uno
If he comes, ask him to waitsi viene, pídele que espere
If it rains, we will get wetsi llueve nos mojaremos
If I studied, I would pass the examsi estudiara aprobaría el examen
My hair has grown too longmi cabello ha crecido demasiado
My mother is always at homemi madre siempre esta en casa
There are many fish in this lakehay muchos peces en este lago
There are many problems to solvehay muchos problemas por resolver
There are some books on the deskhay algunos libros en el escritorio
There is nothing wrong with himno le pasa nada
There was a sudden change in the weatherhubo un cambio repentino en el clima
There was nobody in the gardenno había nadie en el jardín
There was nobody thereno habia nadie alli
There were five murders this monthhubo cinco asesinatos este mes
They admire each otherse admiran
They agreed to work togetheracordaron trabajar juntos
They are both good teachersambos son buenos maestros
We want something newqueremos algo nuevo
We should be very carefuldebemos tener mucho cuidado
When can I see you next time?Cuándo puedo verte la próxima vez?
When did you finish the work?cuando terminaste el trabajo?
When will you harvest your wheat?Cuándo cosecharás tu trigo?
Where do you want to go?a donde quieres ir?
Where is the pretty girl?donde esta la chica linda
Which food do you like?que comida te gusta
Which is more important?cuál es más importante?
Which one is more expensive?cual es mas caro?
Which way is the nearest?cual camino es el mas cercano?
Which is your favorite team?cual es tu equipo favorito?
Which languages do you speak?que lenguas hablas?
Which team will win the game?Qué equipo ganará el juego?
Why are you drying your hair?Por qué te estás secando el pelo?
Why are you late?Por qué llegas tarde?
Why did you get so angry?Por qué te enojaste tanto?
Why did you quit?Porqué renunciaste?
Why don't you come in?porque no entras

Why were you late this morning?Por qué llegaste tarde esta mañana?
Why are you so tired today?Por qué estás tan cansado hoy?
Would you like to dance with me?te gustaría bailar conmigo?
Would you come tomorrow?vendrias mañana?
You are always complainingsiempre te estás quejando
Thanks for your explanationGracias por tu explicación
Thanks for the complimentgracias por el cumplido
Thanks for the informationgracias por la información
Thanks for your understandinggracias por su comprensión
Thank you for supporting megracias por apoyarme
I really miss you so muchde verdad te extraño mucho
Happy valentine’s dayFeliz día de San Valentín
Whose decision was final?cuya decisión fue definitiva?
Whose life is in danger?cuya vida está en peligro?
You are a good teachereres un buen maestro
You can read this bookpuedes leer este libro
You don't understand meno me entiendes
You have to study hardtienes que estudiar duro
Where do you have pain?donde tienes dolor
They are both in the roomambos están en la habitación
That house is very smallesa casa es muy pequeña
Please give me your handpor favor dame tu mano
Please go to the schoolpor favor ve a la escuela
Please sit here and waitpor favor siéntate aquí y espera
Please speak more slowlyPor favor, hable más despacio
My father is in his roommi padre esta en su cuarto
May I ask you something?puedo preguntarte algo?
May I ask you a question?puedo hacerte una pregunta?
Is the job still available?El trabajo todavía está disponible?
I arrived there too earlyllegué allí demasiado temprano
Do you have a family?tienes familia?
Do you have any problem?tienes algún problema?
Do you have any idea?Tienes alguna idea?
Did you finish the job?terminaste el trabajo?
Did you like the movie?Te gustó la película?
Are we ready to go now?Estamos listos para irnos ahora?
Would you like to come?le gustaría venir?
I don't speak very wellNo hablo muy bien
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

•   Are sentences
•   Can sentences
•   Come sentences
•   Could sentences
•   Did sentences
•   Do sentences
•   Don't sentences
•   Have sentences
•   He sentences
•   His sentences
•   How sentences
•   I sentences
•   If sentences
•   I'm sentences
•   Is sentences
•   It sentences
•   Let sentences
•   May sentences
•   My sentences
•   No sentences

Spanish Vocabulary
Spanish Dictionary