Daily use common Croatian Sentences and Phrases

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     ¤   Easy sentences
     ¤   Hard sentences
     ¤   Difficult sentences
     ¤   Sentences start with
     ¤   1000 words
     ¤   Picture Dictionary

To learn Croatian language, Phrases and Sentences are the important sections. Here you can easily learn daily use common Croatian sentences with the help of English pronunciation. Here is the list of English sentences to Croatian translation with transliterations. It also helps beginners to learn Croatian language in an easy way. In this section, we are separated into three levels of sentences to learn easily (Easy sentences, Hard sentences, and Difficult sentences). Sentence is a group of words, you may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Croatian language quickly and also play some Croatian word games so you get not bored. Basic-level sentences are useful in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all sentences in English and Croatian.

Daily use common Croatian Sentences and Phrases

Croatian sentences and phrases

The below table gives the daily use common Sentences and Phrases in Croatian language with their pronunciation in English.

Easy sentences

I hate youMrzim te
I love youVolim te
I’m in lovezaljubljen sam
I’m sorryžao mi je
I’m so sorryžao mi je
I’m yourstvoj sam
Thanks againHvala još jednom
How are youKako si
I am finedobro sam
Take careČuvaj se
I miss youNedostaješ mi
You're nicedraga si
That’s terribleTo je užasno
That's too badTo je šteta
That's too muchTo je previše
See youVidimo se
Thank youHvala vam
Thank you sirHvala vam gospodine
Are you freeJesi li slobodan
No problemNema problema
Get well soonOzdravi brzo
Very goodVrlo dobro
Well doneDobro napravljeno
What’s upŠto ima
I can't hear youNe čujem te
I can't stopNe mogu prestati
I knowZnam
Good byeDoviđenja
Good ideaDobra ideja
Good luckSretno
You are lateKasniš
Who is next?Tko je sljedeći?
Who is she?Tko je ona?
Who is that man?Tko je taj čovjek?
Who built it?Tko ga je izgradio?
They hurtBole ih
She got angryNaljutila se
She is a teacherOna je učiteljica
She is aggressiveOna je agresivna
She is attractivePrivlačna je
She is beautifulOna je prekrasna
She is cryingOna plače
She is happyOna je sretna
No way!Nema šanse!
No worriesBez brige
No, thank youNe hvala
I'm so happytako sam sretan
I'm hungrygladan sam
I'm able to runMogu trčati
I agreeslažem se
I can swimznam plivati
I can't comeNe mogu doći
He got angryNaljutio se
He was aloneBio je sam
He was braveBio je hrabar
He likes to swimOn voli plivati
Don't be angryNemoj se ljutiti
Don't be sadNemoj biti tužan
Don't crynemoj plakati
Come inUći
Come ondođi
Can you come?Možete li doći?
Can I help?Mogu li vam pomoći?
Can I eat this?Mogu li ovo jesti?
Can I help you?Mogu li vam pomoći?
Can I see?Mogu li vidjeti?
Are you going?Ideš li?
Are you hungry?Jesi li gladan?
Are you mad?Jesi li ljut?
Are you serious?Jesi li ozbiljan?
Are you sleeping?Spavaš li?
Can you do this?Možeš li to učiniti?
Can you help me?Možeš li mi pomoći?
Can you tell me?Možeš li mi reći?
Come on tomorrowDođi sutra
Come quicklyDođi brzo
Could I help you?Mogu li vam pomoći?
Could you tell me?Možete li mi reći?
Do not disturb!Ne smetaj!
Do you hear me?Čuješ li me?
Do you smoke?pušiš li
Have you eaten?Jesi li jeo?
Have you finished?Jesi li završio?
He can run fastMože brzo trčati
He began to runPočeo je trčati
He did not speakNije govorio
His eyes are blueOči su mu plave
His smile was goodOsmijeh mu je bio dobar
How is your life?Kako je tvoj život?
How is your family?Kako je tvoja obitelj?
I am a studentja sam student
I am going to studyidem učiti
I am not a teacherNisam učiteljica
I am sorryžao mi je
I believe youvjerujem ti
I can do this jobJa mogu raditi ovaj posao
I can run fasterMogu trčati brže
I can’t believe itNe mogu vjerovati
It happensDogađa se
It is newNovo je
It is a long storyDuga je to priča
It looks like an birdIzgleda kao ptica
It really takes timeStvarno treba vremena
It was really cheapBilo je stvarno jeftino
It was so noisyBilo je tako bučno
It was very difficultBilo je jako teško
It wasn't expensiveNije bilo skupo
It wasn't necessaryNije bilo potrebno
Let me checkSamo da provjerim
Let me saydopustite mi da kažem
Let me seeDaj da vidim
May I come in?Mogu li ući?
May I help you?Mogu li vam pomoći?
May I join you?Mogu li ti se pridružiti?
May I speak?Mogu li govoriti?
May I eat this?Smijem li ovo pojesti?
My father is tallMoj otac je visok
My sister has a jobMoja sestra ima posao
My sister is famousMoja sestra je poznata
My wife is a doctorMoja žena je liječnica
No, I'll eat laterNe, jest ću kasnije
Please come inMolimte uđi
Please do that againMolim te ponovi to
Please give meMolim te daj mi
She admired himDivila mu se
She avoids meOna me izbjegava
She came lastOna je došla zadnja
She goes to schoolOna ide u školu
That house is bigTa kuća je velika
That is a good ideaTo je dobra ideja
That is my bookTo je moja knjiga
That is my sonTo je moj sin
The dog is deadPas je mrtav
The river is wideRijeka je široka
There is no doubtNema sumnje
They are playingOni se igraju
They are prettyLijepe su
They got marriedVjenčali su se
They have few booksImaju malo knjiga
They stopped talkingPrestali su razgovarati
This is my friendOvo je moj prijatelj
This bird can't flyOva ptica ne može letjeti
This decision is finalOva odluka je konačna
This is my bookOvo je moja knjiga
This is my brotherOvo je moj brat
This is my daughterOvo je moja kcerka
This is not a jokeOvo nije šala
This is surprisingOvo je iznenađujuće
This river is beautifulOva rijeka je lijepa
This story is trueOva priča je istinita
We are happyMi smo sretni
Will it rain today?Hoće li padati kiša danas?
Will you go on a trip?Hoćete li ići na izlet?
Will she come?Hoće li doći?
Would you kill me?Biste li me ubili?
Would you love me?Bi li me volio?
Would you come here?Biste li došli ovamo?
You are a teacherVi ste učiteljica
You are very beautifulJako si lijepa
You are very braveVrlo ste hrabri
You broke the rulesPrekršio si pravila
You love meVoliš me
you love me or notvoliš li me ili ne
You make me happyČiniš me sretnim
You may goMožeš ići
You should sleepTrebao bi spavati
You must study hardMoraš marljivo učiti
Whose idea is this?Čija je ovo ideja?
Thanks for your helpHvala na pomoći
Thank you for comingHvala na dolasku
How about youA ti
How is your familyKako je tvoja obitelj
How to SayKako reći
Good morningDobro jutro
Good afternoonDobar dan
Good eveningDobra večer
Good nightLaku noć
Happy birthdaySretan rođendan
Happy ChristmasSretan Božić
Happy new yearSretna Nova godina
Good to see youLijepo te vidjeti
I don't like itNe sviđa mi se
I have no ideanemam pojma
I know everythingja znam sve
I know somethingZnam nešto
Thank you so muchPuno ti hvala
Thanks a millionPuno hvala
See you laterVidimo se kasnije
See you next weekVidimo se sljedeći tjedan
See you next yearVidimo se iduće godine
See you soonVidimo se uskoro
See you tomorrowVidimo se sutra
Sweet dreamsSlatki snovi
I’m crazy about youLud sam za tobom
I'm crazy with youlud sam s tobom
Nice to meet youDrago mi je
It's very cheapVrlo je jeftino
Just a momentSamo trenutak
Not necessarilyNije nužno
That’s a good dealTo je dobar posao
You're beautifulprelijepa si
You're very nicejako si fin
You're very smartTi si jako pametan
I really appreciate itstvarno to cijenim
I really miss youstvarno mi nedostaješ

Hard sentences

What is your nameKako se zoveš
Which is correct?Što je točno?
Will you please help me?Hoćeš li mi molim te pomoći?
Will you stay at home?Hoćeš li ostati kod kuće?
Do you need anything?Trebaš li išta?
Do you need this book?Trebate li ovu knjigu?
Are you feeling better?Osjećaš li se bolje?
Are you writing a letter?Pišeš li pismo?
Come and see me nowDođi i posjeti me sada
Come with your familyDođite sa svojom obitelji
I'm very busy this weekJako sam zauzet ovaj tjedan
There is a lot of moneyIma puno novca
They are good peopleOni su dobri ljudi
We need some moneyTrebamo nešto novca
What is your destination?Do kuda putujete?
What are you doing today?Što radiš danas?
What are you reading?Što čitaš?
What can I do for you?Što mogu učiniti za tebe?
What is the problem?U čemu je problem?
What is the story?koja je priča
What is your problem?Koji je tvoj problem?
What was that noise?Kakva je to buka?
When can we eat?Kada možemo jesti?
When do you study?kada učiš
When was it finished?Kada je bilo gotovo?
How about your familyA tvoja obitelj
Do you understand?Da li razumiješ?
Do you love me?Voliš li me?
Don't talk about workNe pričaj o poslu
How can I help you?Kako vam mogu pomoći?
How deep is the lake?Koliko je duboko jezero?
I'm not disturbing youNe smetam ti
I'm proud of my sonPonosan sam na svog sina
I'm sorry to disturb youOprostite što vas uznemiravam
Is something wrong?Nešto nije u redu?
May I open the door?Mogu li otvoriti vrata?
Thanks for everythingHvala na svemu
This is very difficultOvo je jako teško
This is very importantOvo je veoma važno
Where are you fromOdakle si
Do you have any ideaImaš li kakvu ideju
I love you so muchJako te volim
I love you very muchvolim te jako puno
I’m in love with youzaljubljen sam u tebe
I missed you so muchNedostaješ mi
Let me think about itPusti me da razmislim o tome
Thank you very muchHvala vam puno
I can't stop thinkingNe mogu prestati razmišljati
Will you stop talking?Hoćeš li prestati pričati?
Would you like to go?Da li bi želio ići?
Would you teach me?Biste li me naučili?
Where is your room?Gdje je tvoja soba?
Where should we go?Kamo da idemo?
Where is your house?Gdje je tvoja kuća?
Please close the doorMolim te zatvori vrata
She agreed to my ideaPristala je na moju ideju
That boy is intelligentTaj dječak je inteligentan
It was a very big roomBila je to jako velika soba
He can swim very fastMože plivati vrlo brzo
He accepted my ideaPrihvatio je moju ideju
They loved each otherVoljeli su se
When will you reach?Kada ćeš stići?
Where are you from?Odakle si?
Where are you going?Gdje ideš?
We love each otherVolimo jedni druge
We obeyed the rulesPoštivali smo pravila
We started to walkPočeli smo hodati
We will never agreeNikad se nećemo složiti
We can make changeMožemo napraviti promjenu
We cook everydayKuhamo svaki dan
We enjoyed itUživali smo
What about you?A ti?
What are you doing?Što radiš?
What did you say?Što si rekao?
What do you need?Što trebaš?
What do you think?Što misliš?
What do you want?Što želiš?
What happened?Što se dogodilo?
What is that?Što je to?
When was she born?Kada je rođena?
When will we arrive?Kada ćemo stići?
Where are you?Gdje si?
Where does it hurt?Gdje boli?
Where is my book?Gdje je moja knjiga?
Where is the river?Gdje je rijeka?
Who broke this?Tko je ovo slomio?
Why are you crying?Zašto plačeš?
I can't see anythingništa ne vidim
I disagree with youNe slažem se s tobom
I like it very muchSviđa mi se jako
I need more timetrebam više vremena
I want to sleepželim spavati
I'm able to swimZnam plivati
I'm not a doctorJa nisam liječnik
I'm taller than youJa sam viši od tebe
I'm very sadvrlo sam tužan
Is he a teacher?Je li on učitelj?
Is she married?Da li je ona udana?
Is this book yours?Je li ova knjiga vaša?
Let's ask the teacherPitajmo učiteljicu
Let's go out and eatIdemo van i jedimo
Let's go to a movieIdemo u kino

Difficult sentences

His opinion was not acceptedNjegovo mišljenje nije prihvaćeno
His proposals were adopted at the meetingNa sjednici su usvojeni njegovi prijedlozi
How do you come to school?Kako dolaziš u školu?
If I had money, I could buy itDa imam novca, mogao bih to kupiti
If you want a pencil, I'll lend you oneAko želiš olovku, posudit ću ti je
If he comes, ask him to waitAko dođe, zamolite ga da pričeka
If it rains, we will get wetAko pada kiša, pokisnut ćemo
If I studied, I would pass the examDa sam studirao, položio bih ispit
My hair has grown too longMoja kosa je predugačka
My mother is always at homeMoja majka je uvijek kod kuće
There are many fish in this lakeU ovom jezeru ima mnogo riba
There are many problems to solveMnogo je problema koje treba riješiti
There are some books on the deskIma nekoliko knjiga na stolu
There is nothing wrong with himNišta mu nije u redu
There was a sudden change in the weatherDošlo je do nagle promjene vremena
There was nobody in the gardenU vrtu nije bilo nikoga
There was nobody thereTamo nije bilo nikoga
There were five murders this monthOvaj mjesec dogodilo se pet ubojstava
They admire each otherDive se jedno drugome
They agreed to work togetherDogovorili su se da će raditi zajedno
They are both good teachersOboje su dobri učitelji
We want something newŽelimo nešto novo
We should be very carefulTrebali bismo biti vrlo oprezni
When can I see you next time?Kada te mogu vidjeti sljedeći put?
When did you finish the work?Kada ste završili posao?
When will you harvest your wheat?Kada ćete žeti svoju pšenicu?
Where do you want to go?Gdje želiš ići?
Where is the pretty girl?Gdje je lijepa djevojka?
Which food do you like?Koju hranu voliš?
Which is more important?Što je važnije?
Which one is more expensive?Koji je skuplji?
Which way is the nearest?Koji je put najbliži?
Which is your favorite team?Koji ti je najdraži tim?
Which languages do you speak?Koje jezike govoriš?
Which team will win the game?Koji će tim pobijediti?
Why are you drying your hair?Zašto sušiš kosu?
Why are you late?Zašto kasniš?
Why did you get so angry?Zašto si se toliko naljutio?
Why did you quit?Zašto si dao otkaz?
Why don't you come in?Zašto ne uđeš?

Why were you late this morning?Zašto si zakasnio jutros?
Why are you so tired today?Zašto si danas tako umoran?
Would you like to dance with me?Želiš li plesati samnom?
Would you come tomorrow?Biste li došli sutra?
You are always complainingUvijek se žalite
Thanks for your explanationHvala na objašnjenju
Thanks for the complimentHvala na komplimentu
Thanks for the informationHvala na informaciji
Thanks for your understandingHvala na razumijevanju
Thank you for supporting meHvala vam što me podržavate
I really miss you so muchstvarno mi jako nedostaješ
Happy valentine’s daySretno Valentinovo
Whose decision was final?Čija je odluka bila konačna?
Whose life is in danger?Čiji je život u opasnosti?
You are a good teacherTi si dobar ucitelj
You can read this bookMožete pročitati ovu knjigu
You don't understand meNe razumiješ me
You have to study hardMoraš marljivo učiti
Where do you have pain?Gdje te boli?
They are both in the roomObojica su u sobi
That house is very smallTa je kuća vrlo mala
Please give me your handMolim te daj mi svoju ruku
Please go to the schoolMolim te idi u školu
Please sit here and waitMolim vas, sjednite ovdje i pričekajte
Please speak more slowlyMolimo govorite sporije
My father is in his roomMoj otac je u svojoj sobi
May I ask you something?Mogu li te pitati nešto?
May I ask you a question?Mogu li vas pitati nešto?
Is the job still available?Je li posao još dostupan?
I arrived there too earlyStigao sam prerano
Do you have a family?Imaš li obitelj?
Do you have any problem?Imate li problema?
Do you have any idea?Imaš li kakvu ideju?
Did you finish the job?Jeste li završili posao?
Did you like the movie?Svidio vam se film?
Are we ready to go now?Jesmo li sada spremni za polazak?
Would you like to come?Bi li htjela doći?
I don't speak very wellNe govorim dobro
Sentences start with

English to Tamil - here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Tamil meanings with transliteration.

•   Are sentences
•   Can sentences
•   Come sentences
•   Could sentences
•   Did sentences
•   Do sentences
•   Don't sentences
•   Have sentences
•   He sentences
•   His sentences
•   How sentences
•   I sentences
•   If sentences
•   I'm sentences
•   Is sentences
•   It sentences
•   Let sentences
•   May sentences
•   My sentences
•   No sentences

Croatian Vocabulary
Croatian Dictionary