The sentences in Japanese and English

‘The’ sentences in Japanese with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Japanese translation of The sentences and play The sentences quiz in Japanese language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Japanese sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Japanese language in an easy way. To learn Japanese language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

The sentences in Japanese

The sentences in Japanese and English

The list of 'The' sentences in Japanese language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Japanese translations.

The area was quiet エリアは静かだった eriaha jingkadatta
The baby is crying 赤ちゃんが泣いています chichanga qiiteimasu
The baby was fast asleep 赤ちゃんはぐっすり眠っていました chichanhagussuri miantteimashita
The book is easy 本は簡単です benha jian dandesu
The boy began to cry 少年は泣き始めました shao nianha qiki shimemashita
The boy caught the dog 少年は犬を捕まえた shao nianha quanwo bumaeta
The boy is kind その少年は親切です sono shao nianha qin qiedesu
The boys kept quiet 男の子たちは静かにしていた nanno zitachiha jingkanishiteita
The car is ready 車は準備ができています cheha zhun beigadekiteimasu
The car is very fast 車はとても速いです chehatotemo suidesu
The children are sleeping 子供たちは寝ています zi gongtachiha qinteimasu
The class begins at morning クラスは朝から始まります kurasuha chaokara shimarimasu
The desk is made of wood 机は木でできています jiha mudedekiteimasu
The dog is dead 犬は死んでいます quanha sindeimasu
The dog is dying 犬は死にかけている quanha sinikaketeiru
The area was quiet エリアは静かだった eriaha jingkadatta
The baby is crying 赤ちゃんが泣いています chichanga qiiteimasu
The baby was fast asleep 赤ちゃんはぐっすり眠っていました chichanhagussuri miantteimashita
The book is easy 本は簡単です benha jian dandesu
The boy began to cry 少年は泣き始めました shao nianha qiki shimemashita
The boy caught the dog 少年は犬を捕まえた shao nianha quanwo bumaeta
The boy is kind その少年は親切です sono shao nianha qin qiedesu
The boys kept quiet 男の子たちは静かにしていた nanno zitachiha jingkanishiteita
The car is ready 車は準備ができています cheha zhun beigadekiteimasu
The car is very fast 車はとても速いです chehatotemo suidesu
The children are sleeping 子供たちは寝ています zi gongtachiha qinteimasu
The class begins at morning クラスは朝から始まります kurasuha chaokara shimarimasu
The desk is made of wood 机は木でできています jiha mudedekiteimasu
The dog is dead 犬は死んでいます quanha sindeimasu
The dog is dying 犬は死にかけている quanha sinikaketeiru
The dog is white 犬は白い quanha baii
The earth is round 地球は丸い de qiuha wani
The food is cold 食べ物は冷たい shibe wuha lengtai
The food wasn't good 食べ物は良くありませんでした shibe wuha liangkuarimasendeshita
The furniture was dusty 家具はほこりっぽかった jia juhahokorippokatta
The girl trembled with fear 少女は恐怖に震えました shao nuha kong buni zhenemashita
The house is on fire 家は燃えています jiaha raneteimasu
The ice has melted 氷が溶けた bingga rongketa
The law was changed 法律が変更されました fa luga bian gengsaremashita
The news can't be true ニュースは真実ではありえない nyusuha zhen shidehaarienai
The pain was terrible 痛みはひどいものでした tongmihahidoimonodeshita
The river is wide 川は広い chuanha guangi
The room is hot 部屋は暑い bu wuha shui
The room was locked 部屋はロックされていました bu wuharokkusareteimashita
The room was warm 部屋は暖かかった bu wuha nuankakatta
The woman is reading 女性は読んでいます nu xingha dundeimasu

‘The’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Japanese words

Here you learn top 1000 Japanese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Japanese meanings with transliteration.

Eat 食べる shiberu
All 全て quante
New 新着 xin zhe
Snore いびき ibiki
Fast 速い sui
Help ヘルプ herupu
Pain 痛み tongmi
Rain 雨 yu
Pride 誇り kuari
Sense 検出 jian chu
Large 大きい dakii
Skill スキル sukiru
Panic パニック panikku
Thank 感謝 gan xie
Desire 欲望 yu wang
Woman 女性 nu xing
Hungry お腹がすいた o fugasuita
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