Which sentences in Hausa and English

‘Which’ sentences in Hausa with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Hausa translation of Which sentences and play Which sentences quiz in Hausa language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Hausa sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Hausa language in an easy way. To learn Hausa language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Which sentences in Hausa

Which sentences in Hausa and English

The list of 'Which' sentences in Hausa language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Hausa translations.

Which dictionary did you refer to? wane kamus kuka koma?
Which bed do you want to use? wane gado kike son amfani da shi?
Which of them is your brother? A cikinsu wanene dan uwanka?
Which season do you like the best? wane kakar kuka fi so?
Which food do you like? wane abinci kuke so?
Which subject do you like? wanne fanni kuke so?
Which is more important? wanne ya fi muhimmanci?
Which one is mine? wannene nawa?
Which direction do you want to go? wace hanya kuke son zuwa?
Which do you prefer? wanne kuka fi so?
Which was good for her wanda yayi mata kyau
Which one is more expensive? wanne yafi tsada?
Which is correct? wanne ne daidai?
Which is mine? wanne nawa ne?
Which one is the best? wanne ne ya fi kyau?
Which dictionary did you refer to? wane kamus kuka koma?
Which bed do you want to use? wane gado kike son amfani da shi?
Which of them is your brother? A cikinsu wanene dan uwanka?
Which season do you like the best? wane kakar kuka fi so?
Which food do you like? wane abinci kuke so?
Which subject do you like? wanne fanni kuke so?
Which is more important? wanne ya fi muhimmanci?
Which one is mine? wannene nawa?
Which direction do you want to go? wace hanya kuke son zuwa?
Which do you prefer? wanne kuka fi so?
Which was good for her wanda yayi mata kyau
Which one is more expensive? wanne yafi tsada?
Which is correct? wanne ne daidai?
Which is mine? wanne nawa ne?
Which one is the best? wanne ne ya fi kyau?
Which is better? wanne ya fi?
Which do you want? wa kuke so?
Which is your book? wane littafin ku?
Which way is the nearest? wace hanya ce mafi kusa?
Which book are you reading? wane littafi kuke karantawa?
Which is your favorite team? wace kungiya ce kuka fi so?
Which languages do you speak? Wadanne harsuna kuke magana?
Which team will win the game? wace kungiya ce zata lashe wasan?

‘Which’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Hausa words

Here you learn top 1000 Hausa words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Eat ci
All duka
New sabo
Snore kururuwa
Fast sauri
Help taimako
Pain zafi
Rain ruwan sama
Pride girman kai
Sense hankali
Large babba
Skill gwaninta
Panic tsoro
Thank na gode
Desire sha'awa
Woman mace
Hungry yunwa
Hausa Vocabulary
Hausa Dictionary

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